Chapter 3

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"Okay, everything you need should be in that bag, call me if you need anything, okay?" I asked.

"Kels, you act like this is the first time I've ever been alone with Sadie," Alex gave me a smile, rolling his eyes playfully. "I've got this. She's a daddy's girl, remember?"

"Oh, I remember," I agreed. "Okay, I'm off, bye princess," I said, giving Sadie a quick kiss on the top of her head.

"No kiss for me?" Alex teased and I sighed, rolling my eyes and quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Have fun, guys," I said, turning and leaving the apartment. "Just remember, Sadie can't be in any vlogs until Heath gets back and we tell him!"

"We promise!" Alex and David called back as I shut the door.

Now that Sadie and I were officially settled in, it was time for me to start hunting for a job. David was vlogging, but he was going over to Todd, Scott, and Jason's so nobody would see Sadie. That would be for another video, anyways.

We told Gabbie over FaceTime one night. Like everyone else, she thought we were joking when we told her that the baby was Alex's, but once the initial shock wore off and we actually had Sadie on the screen, she completely melted, saying she couldn't wait to be home so she could meet her in person.

Heath still didn't know. His baby reveal was going to be for one of the vlogs. Surprising Heath with the baby would be the same way that we'd surprise the world. We'd get his reaction, and then it'd cut to a clip of David sitting down with me, Alex, and Sadie, and we'd explain the whole situation.

But for now... job hunting.

'Help Wanted' read a sign on a bakery not too far from David and Alex's apartment, and when I opened the door, a little bell jangled overhead.

"Good morning," the older woman behind the counter said. "how can I help you today?"

"Hi, I noticed your help wanted sign in the window, and I wanted to see about applying for a job?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Why don't you come back here with me?" she asked. "Holly over here can watch the front," she said, gesturing over to a girl not much older than me, who gave me a smile and a wave. "So, what's your name, dear? I'm Mary,"

"I'm Kelsey," I told her.

"And how old are you, Kelsey?" she asked, taking a seat behind her desk.

"Twenty,"I I replied. 

"Now, I don't want this to be super formal, like an interview," she said. "I just want to talk to you. The truth is, we're desperate for some help. It's only me and Holly here, as well as a couple of other girls, Jane and Lizzy. I'd just like to get to know you a little, and we can decide if this might be a good fit for you?"

"Okay," I said, nodding, the uneasiness ebbing away a bit.

"So, how much experience do you have with baking?" she asked.

"Well, I used to bake with my grandma a lot when I was younger," I said. "I do it a lot less these days, but I bake a few times a month. Cookies, mostly, but a couple cakes here and there."

"Great," she said, "that's our most crucial part of this business, as you could probably tell. We're also big on good customer service, but you seem like a nice girl."

"Thank you," I said. 

"What days would you be available?" she asked.

"I'm free to work during the daytime," I said. "I do have a daughter, but her dad's free to watch her during the day."

"Aww, that's so sweet," she said. "how old is she?"

"She's just a few months old," I said. 

"I love babies," she said with a smile. "Anyways, so we pay every other week, and I can get you a schedule. Would you be able to start Monday?"

"Absolutely," I said. "thank you, thank you so much,"

"We'll see you Monday, dearie." she said.

After grabbing some lunch to go from a place down the street, I got back in my car, heading back to the guys' apartment. I ran up the stairs in excitement, almost dropping the bags of food a few times on the way.

"Knock knock," I said, opening up the door and peeking my head in. "I bring provisions,"

"You're back early," Alex said, coming out of his bedroom. "I just got Sadie down for a nap. Everything go okay?"

"I got a job," I said, smiling wide, and his jaw dropped as his eyes widened. 

"You got a... Oh my God, where? Kels that's amazing!" he exclaimed, careful to not be too loud and wake up Sadie.

"There's a bakery a few blocks away... Mary's Bakery?" I asked, and he nodded. "They really needed help, so they got me in, talked to me for a bit, and then I was good to go. I start Monday," 

"That's awesome," he said, "so when we teach Sadie to play Patty Cake then she'll be good to go when we start talking about bakers."

"That's the plan," I said, giggling. 

"So what kind of food did you bring?" he asked, finally noticing the bag.

"I brought some fancy grilled cheese," I said, handing the bag to him, and he set it down on the table, opening it up. "and of course, there's baby food for when Sadie wakes up."

"You know me so well," he said, opening up one of the boxes. "I really am happy for you, Kels. Look at us. We're managing to keep a baby alive, and we're working and stuff. Granted, my job is basically just putting my foot through tables and breaking them, but still."

"I know what you mean," I told him. "when did we get old? When did our lives stop being all about partying and drinking and stuff?"

"Well, that's a lesson you should've learned in health class..." he trailed off jokingly. "but basically, when two people-"

"I got it," I said, nodding with a smile. "thank you, though," 

"Hey, anytime," he said, leaning back and taking a bite of his grilled cheese. "anytime."

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