Chapter 24: Moving

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"Heba, are you okay?" Atemu asked.

Heba put his book down. "Atemu, if you say that one more time, I swear that I am going to kill you. I am fine." Heba said.

"I'm sorry, but you're at the end of your pregnancy, and you could have the baby at any time now." Atemu said.

Heba turned to face Atemu. "Aren't you supposed to be at work now?" Heba asked.

"Heba, you know that I can work from home just as easily as if I was at the office, and that's what I'm doing." Atemu said.

"Atemu, you don't have to be here 24/7. I will be fine if you go to the office for a few hours." Heba said.

"Well-" Atemu trialed off.

"Atemu, stop being such a mother hen. Just because you're not here doesn't mean that something is going to happen. You can calm down." Heba said.

"Heba, you could have the baby any time within the next few weeks, and I don't want to miss anything." Atemu said.

"Atemu, may I remind you that I will be having the baby at the hospital, not here. If I go into labor, I will be heading to the hospital, and you will meet me there." Heba said.

"Heba, don't invite bad ideas. I don't want you here alone when you go into labor." Atemu said.

"You know that Yugi and Yami are coming here to stay until the baby comes. Will you be more at ease when they are here?" Heba asked.

"Maybe." Atemu said.

Heba shook his head. His cell phone then rang. "Hello?" Heba asked, answering the phone.

"Hey, Heba."Yugi said.

"Hey, Yugi. What's up?" Heba asked.

"I was just letting you know that Yami and I should be leaving within the next hour. We should be there between two and three." Yugi said.

"Thanks for letting me know. Just be careful." Heba said.

"We will. See you soon." Yugi said.

"Okay. Bye." Heba said before hanging up.

"What did Yugi want?" Atemu asked, sitting down.

"He was just telling me that he and Yami should be leaving in the next hour, so they'll be here between two and three." Heba replied.

"Okay." Atemu said.

"Atemu, will you go on to work?' Heba asked.

"But-" Atemu started.

"Atemu, I will be fine for a few hours here. The maids and other workers are here, so you don't need to worry. Go on." Heba said.

Atemu sighed, knowing that Heba wouldn't change his mind. "All right, Heba. I'll go. Just call me if you need anything." Atemu said.

"I will, Atemu." Heba said.

Atemu kissed Heba goodbye before he left the room to grab his briefcase, and he headed for the office.

'Finally. He is driving me crazy.' Heba thought. He picked his book back up and started reading again. He felt a kick in his stomach. Smiling, Heba placed a hand on his stomach. 'It won't be too long before this little one comes.' Heba thought.

"Well, here we are." Yami said as he pulled into the gates of the Sennen mansion.

"Yeah. I'm sure that Heba will be glad to see us." Yugi said.

"Why do you say that?" Yami asked.

"Because he has told me that Atemu is acting like a mother hen and is driving him crazy." Yugi answered.

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