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My parents were always nagging about how I was so troubled compared to my brother Liu... Always fighting, always doing something bad, always getting into trouble. I'm sick and tired of getting the same lecture about how I should be like my brother or how I should be a good boy instead of letting my brother be the representative for our family. It's bullshit! I get that I have slight anger issues and that I'm a little edgy but I'm not that bad.

Of course, as soon as I take the blame for my perfect little brother, I'm the one who gets penalized. I got sent to juvy and I'm the one who made my family move for my horrid behaviour and then sent to a school for special children. Liu has to go there too but he gets the reserve course... Where the siblings of these kids go because they're perfect. They're the models of the school and are always looking down on the special course students.

Real talk, I love my brother Liu but it's my parents glorifying him and treating him like he's the prince of our house or something. Liu doesn't act like that of course which is why I love him. It doesn't get to his head and I respect him for it. But, I got blamed because he got into a fight with these jerks... He injured them pretty badly too, it was awesome to see him like that but we got caught and I decided to take the blame for it. After that, my parents decided to show me the school and now we're moving so I can attend some Liu and I can attend it.

I'm not as bad as those kids! I've always made good marks, I treat the people I like with respect, and teachers actually like me because I'm a student who tries hard... it's just my small issues that if they just sent me to a therapist, I could fix it and be fine! It makes me so angry that they resorted to some second rate school that claims they treat kids and make them better. Liars. I can just smell trouble when I stepped in the gates of that place on the first day. I remember it all so clearly.

I'd walked into homeroom and observed the classroom. This clearly wasn't your typical school of students but that was expected. People who look like druggies, kids who looked clearly off their rockers, punks who would beat the first second grader they saw in a heartbeat, and some kids with mental disorders, very few normal looking kids. I looked around and saw a few people that caught my interest. One kid was rather short, he looked like he barely came up to my chest. What caught my attention was the strikingly emerald green eyes and the beautiful tussled blonde hair! Like, that shit was majestic... And he was really pale as well. I didn't know why. On the other side of the room, two guys who looked interesting. One had long, fluffy, kinda light brown hair that was ruffled looking and clear blue eyes. His face was a l it tle chubby as well, it looked cute. The other guy had shorter and dark brown hair that was swept to the side in a neat fashion. His eyes were a piercing amber and flashed over at me for a second before going back to his friend. Huh... These three are the only three normal people I've seen here, I wonder why they're in this school.

Soon, the bell rang and I directed my eyes towards the teacher who just walked in. Holy hell! He looked like Arnold Shwarzenagger on steroids! I'll never survive!

"Class, welcome to Middle Creek East. This is where you'll learn to play nice with society and stop being social rejects on your parents wishes... Get settled because you're not leaving until you finish this school or improve to your parents liking." He slapped a ruler against the chalkboard and a few of us jumped. Even I startled a bit.

"Hope you enjoy your time here." He said this and just left, leaving a classroom full of delinquents! What the hell man?!

"Man I wonder... Who's fresh meat here?" One of them stood up, his hair was slicked into a Mohawk and he wore spiked leather everything.

"The local biker gang called, they said want their clothes back," I blurted out, quirking and eyebrow at the guy.

"The hell did you say to me, punk?!" He grabbed me by my collar and raised me in the air.

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