The Day- Eleven

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I woke to heat. Beautiful, stifling heat.

I rolled over to see Mike still asleep. His eyes were closed still and his breathing was steady. His handsome face made me smile and when my eyes moved to his lips, they made me think of what he'd done with those lips last night.

"You could really give a man a complex, looking at him like that." I jumped at Mike's words and giggled.

"You're just so nice to look at. What can I say?" Mike opened his eyes and propped his head on his hand.

"I'm glad to see you smiling when you wake up. You don't smile enough." Mike looked at me questioningly and then pulled me to him, kissing me deeply. "I'm going to jump in the shower." Mike was off the bed and walking towards the bathroom in a matter of seconds. I couldn't even respond to his strange look or sudden interest in leaving so quickly.

Deciding that I didn't want to fight, I rolled over and snuggled back into the sleeping bag. It smelled of him mostly but there were traces of us all over. I closed my eyes and thought about last night... or rather this morning. Mike was amazing in more than one way. It was nice to finally have things out in the open with him now and not have secrets or issues.

There was a slight tap on the door and then a woman telling me it was housekeeping. I sat up quickly and spoke loud. "We don't need room service," but the tapping continued. Rolling my eyes I wrapped the blanket around me and walked towards the door. I put a fake smile on my face and opened the door.

"Sorry, we don't need-" I gasped and stopped speaking. There were two guys standing in front of me, holding guns to my face.

"Where is Mike?" The larger of the two asked.

"Shower," I said in a shaky tone. They pushed me back into the room and ordered me to get dressed. I couldn't take my eyes off them but I knew I needed to let Mike know what was happening somehow.

I grabbed my bag and made sure to take my time putting my things in it. When I put my makeup in I heard the water cut off to the shower and I sucked in a deep breath. It wouldn't be but thirty more seconds before Mike came out here to look for me. I just had to hold-

"Dee, can you toss me my pants please? I left them out there." Mike's voice was calm and even, making me sad. He didn't have any idea what was happening on the other side of that door.

Before I thought it through I yelled Mike's name. A hand hit the side of my face knocking me to the ground. I groaned loudly out of relex and Mike swung the bathroom door open to look at me.

"Did you stub your toe or-" Mike rushed the guy standing over me. Both men stumbled over me and fell to the ground. All I could hear were grunts and groans. Fists hitting skin and bone. The sounds were awful and all I wanted to do was run.

Standing quickly, I pressed myself against the back wall. I watched Mike and the attacker fighting. My heart sank each time Mike was hit but from the looks and sounds of things he was winning.

Panic took over before I realized what was happening. A hand wrapped around my upper arm and pulled me towards the door. Looking over, I saw the second attacker.

"Move quietly or I'll just kill you here. I don't care what I was told. I'll shoot you and leave you here to bleed out on the floor." I pulled my arm away and yelled for Mike.

Everything stopped. Mike and his attacker looked over at us. I was being pulled towards the door; Kicking. Screaming. Trying to find anything to hold onto.

"Stop struggling or I'll shoot your boyfriend." His arms snaked around me, hauling my back to his chest. I looked over at Mike and instantly stopped struggling. There was no way I'd allow him to be hurt because of me.

"Take me. Don't hurt him," I said softly as my eyes were locked on Mike. Mike struggled to stand but quickly did.

"You leave her alone and take me. She knows nothing. She can't help you but I can. Take me and leave her." I struggled in the strong man's arms, yelling for Mike to stop.

"No! You take me. Leave him." Didn't he understand that life wasn't worth living if he wasn't in it? He was so much stronger then me. He could save me but I knew I couldn't save him if he was the one taken.

"Dammit, I said let her go. Take me." Mike stepped towards the man he'd been fighting with and raised his hands. He was willingly giving himself over to these people to save me.

I knew I wasn't worth all of this trouble.

"It's her we were ordered to take. This has nothing to do with you, lover boy." He quickly pulled a gun from behind is back and pointed it in Mike's face. Mike's hands raised and he took a step back.

"You hurt her and I'll kill you." Mike looked over towards the man who was pulling me from the room. His eyes locked on me and he took a step forward. "You stay alive. You hear me? I will find you."

Anger filled me and I knew this was the last time I would see Mike. The men had said they were ordered to find me and take me. I acted quickly and stomped on the man's foot who was holding me. His arms dropped and I rushed towards Mike, wrapping myself around him.

I worked quickly and said what I needed to say. It was something I knew I'd always felt and if this was the last thing I'd ever say, I would have no regrets.

"I love you," I whispered against his ear.

"You stupid bitch." Hands grabbed the back of my head and pulled at my hair. I moved back and Mike moved with me, yelling for them to let me go. A gun was pushed back into his face and he stopped moving. 

"You stay here, understand? She comes with us and you're just going to forget all about her." The two attackers moved towards the door, pulling me with them. I couldn't take my eyes off Mike though. 

"I will find you," Mike said as I was pulled from the room. As soon as I couldn't see Mike any longer the tears I was holding fell down my face. I was no match for two men with guns and I knew Mike wasn't either. He had no idea who these people were and that meant he has no way of finding me. 

I was pushed into the back of an SUV and told to stop crying. As we pulled away I looked back over my shoulder to see Mike watching.

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