The Day- Five

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Standing in my parents kitchen, Mike told me he was secret service and he was coming back with me to New York to keep me safe. Shock wasn't even close to what I was feeling.

Four times I tried to speak but mumbles were all that would come out. Finally taking a few deep breaths, I placed my hands on the counter and focused on the cool tile under my hands. How bad could this be really? I mean Mike was handsome and I have a huge crush on him still. Yes, I'm not so stupid that I can't recognize the infatuation I have with him but having him around me for god knows how long may be more than I can handle.

"What are you going to do with your daughter? You said this was the first night you'd spent away from her and you don't even know how long it's going to take to catch them. What if you don't catch them, are you just going to live with me for forever?" The words spewed from my lips. I was well aware that I was rambling but I had so many things to worry about suddenly that I couldn't think straight.

"She will be alright here with my mother and father." Mike said it like it was nothing and that worried me.

"Where is her mother? Why aren't you two still together? Why aren't you married to her?" I narrowed my eyes as I waited for an answer.

"It's a really long story. Listen, it's okay for her to be away from me for a few days and as soon as things are safe she can come to New York too. We can even come back here some weekends. It will all be okay, Daviny." Mike spoke like me being chased and killed was nothing. He spoke as if this was just a normal day in his life.

"I can't just drop whatever I'm doing to play house with you. I-" Mike cut me off as he smashed his lips to mine. Gasping I pushed him back and covered my mouth with my hand.

"It will all be okay. Just calm down." I knew that Mike wasn't going to stop trying to protect me but he couldn't just kiss me like that to shut me up. I wanted all of the choas to stop and I couldn't focus on Mike and the people coming after me.

"Okay, you're right. I need help and I'm not above asking for it but you can't just kiss me like that whenever you want. If you're going to protect me then that's all you can do. I can't focus on what's happening if I have to worry about you jumping me constantly." It hurt me to say it out loud but I knew we'd never make it past the first day if things stayed the same. Mike's face flashed hurt and it killed me seeing that I'd hurt him again.

"Fine. I'll protect you and that will be all. No kissing, no touching and no talk of the past we had. I'll find them and make you safe again and head home." Mike's easy-going demeanour left him. This was "Business Mike," and I can't say I liked him. He was insanly sexy but full of rage.

"I think it's for the best. You can't do your job if you're worried about having to protect some girl you slept with. I'm just a job, nothing more." Mike's eye twitched and he turned away from me. His phone started to ring again and he pulled it from his pocket to look at the screen.

"Fine. Whatever you want. I have to get home. I'll buy a ticket for your flight if you'll just message me the flight information. Do not leave this house until I get back here, Daviny. Understand?" Mike looked over his shoulder at me, locking me in place.

"Yeah, whatever you say." Mike answered his phone and stopped in the doorway before he left. He was obviously talking to someone about the shooting and then he told whoever was on the phone that he was going with me to New York. The word drug dealer was said and some talk about guns. My eyes widened and I realized just how serious this was.

My legs started to feel like jello the more Mike spoke and my breathing increased. Fear filled my every pore and before I could think of anything else I was on my hands and knees on the ground. I was hyperventalating from the fear.

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