The Day- Four

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"Do you have any idea how stubborn you're being, Daviny?" It had been eight days since the incident in the woods and there had been no sign or word from Mike. Christmas had past but because of my accident I hadn't been able to travel. I guess it was good that I had gotten two weeks off of work, otherwise I'd have lost a ton of money in this trip.

"Yes, mother. I really have no desire to talk to him. He left, hasn't called and made it very clear that he doesn't care. What do you want me to do, go to his house and beg him to see me?" I flung my hands in the air as I spoke. I could feel the anger fill me. I wasn't sure if I was angrier at myself or him. Myself for falling back into "like" with him and him for being a douche and not contacting me at all after the traumatic thing we went through.

"Well, if that's what it takes to get his attention then yes. You have always been so passive and just let people walk all over you. Stand up and fight for your man." My mother spoke with confidence and it made me smile. She was right after all. I hated conflict and I saw no point in fighting for someone that didn't want to fight for me.

"I'm going home in a few days anyways. There is really no point in starting something I have no intention of seeing through or giving my all to." I paused for a moment as my mother stared at me like I had two heads. "What? You know I'm right. If Mike wanted me, he would have at least called me or come over." Just as I stopped speaking the doorbell sounded. My mother smiled and clapped her hands together like she was two years old.

"What's happening?" I asked but my mother was fluttering towards the door.

"You are too stubborn. I saw the way you looked at him, so I asked him to dinner." My eyes wanted to pop out of my head.

"You didn't!" I wanted to scream at her. I wanted to run up to my room, slam the door and scream into my pillow dramatically.

Mother opened the door to a shocked and clearly uncomfortable Mike standing in the doorway. He was holding flowers and a bottle of wine. He handed the wine to my mother and say thank you for inviting him to dinner.

"Wont you come inside?" Mother moved out of the way and Mike passed her, coming into the house. Physical pain shot into my chest as I saw him standing there. His smile looked genuine as he scanned his surroundings. He didn't look like the last week away from him had caused him any trouble. I felt abandoned and alone. Mike clearly didn't care that I was alone. He didn't care that I was having nightmares about that night in the woods.

"Daviny," Mike spoke my name and I couldn't look away. As much as I wanted to his handsome face was exactly what I wanted to see.

"Hey," I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"So Mike, how have you been doing?" My mother moved closer to us, looking Mike up and down. She glared at my crossed arms, rolled her eyes and then looked back at Mike. "Things haven't been the same since you were last here. I know someone who's been acting like she's been on that time of the month the whole time." My mouth gaped open in shock. Mike laughed and it only made my cheeks redden more.

"I've been okay, thanks for asking. I've been dealing with some personal things but I think it's all over with now. How have you been doing?" Mike put his arm over my shoulder, pulling me to him. My mom smiled at us but I pushed him away.

"Yeah, yeah. Well, you two enjoy your dinner together. I'm going to go pack." I started to walk away but Mike pulled me to a halt.

"Pack? You're leaving?" I frowned because there was genuine shock in his words.

"I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. I have to be be back at work on the second and I have some things to do." I faked a smile and turned towards the stairs. Mike grabbed my hand and pulled me to a stop again.

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