The Day- Three

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"Don't stop, Daviny. Just keep running." His hand was locked on mine and there was no way I was going to stop and risk having them to do me what they'd clearly just done to someone else.

Mike and I ran harder, jumping over rocks and fallen trees. It was so dark and the only light was from the moon. It would peak through the tree limbs every now and then, almost as a guide for us. I just had to focus on what I was doing and not fall. If they caught me, we were dead for sure.

I had to think it, right?

My foot caught on something and I fell hard to the ground. Mike's hand pulled from mine and I felt the cut on my leg. It hurt and when I tried to stand, it stopped me.

"Get up, Dee. We can't stop." Mike was at my side in a moment. He was looking around and whispering. I could hear the guys following us but they were a ways back still.

"I cut my leg pretty bad. Just leave me, Mike. You keep running." I pushed him but he came right back.

"Not going to happen." Mike looked around and locked eyes on a large tree that had fallen. "Can you make it over there? We can hide until they are gone." He pointed but I was already up and hobbling in that direction. Mike took my arm and helped me move quicker towards the large fallen tree.

Thankfully it was very dark here, no moonlight in sight. Mike stopped walking and gathered a few sticks and leaves, covering our legs.

"Just stay quiet. They will probably just run past us and then we can find a way out of here." Mike moved closer to me, taking my hand in his as he looked around. My breath was still coming out quickly and I knew the men chasing us would hear me if they came close.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay, Dee." Mike smoothed my hair on the top of my head as he whispered to me. I could suddenly hear their loud footsteps come closer to me and my breathing got louder.

"You have to calm down and be quiet." Mike's tone was rushed, clearly worried now that we'd be found. I could hear the men talking, griping about how we couldn't get away.

"I'm going to gut that bitch when I find her." One of the guys said. My hands gripped Mike's and his eyes grew wide. He knew, because of me, that we were going to get caught.

"Daviny," Mike said and a moment later his lips were on mine. I stopped breathing as his lips connected with mine. His cold hands were on my warm cheeks. His eyes were wide, clearly telling me to stay calm. I allowed him to take my fear as I focused on his lips.

They were soft and hard at the same time. This kiss was nothing like the easy, scared ones in high school. I closed my eyes, blocking out everything around us. I put one hand behind Mike's head and deepened the kiss. He pulled away slightly so we both gathered a breath and I gasped.

"Shhh," Mike said as I pulled him back to me. This time it was more than just his lips against mine. I deepened the kiss by pressing my tongue against his mouth. He opened and as soon as his tongue touched mine I was lost. I knew that it didn't matter what his "excuse" was about possibly cheating on me. Enough time had past and it was time to let it all go.

I gripped the hair at the back of his head, locking him to me. I felt Mike smile against my mouth and I took that as a sign to continue. I moved closer to him but he stopped me, placing a hand on my leg. The pain took place of the pleasure and I hissed slightly.

"Sorry," he whispered so softly against my lips that I almost missed it. "They're here," Mike said next as he kept his cheek against mine. My breathing was starting to pick up as the men spoke only a few feet from us.

"I think they went that way," One of them said. From the sound of his feet, it sounded as if he was moving in our direction.

"No, I can smell that bitches stink from here. She went that way." That was the same guy who said he liked they way the woman's splatter looked against the wall. I closed my eyes and rested my head against Mike's shoulder. His hand smoothed over my hair as he silently kept my nerves under control.

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