Chapter 9

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Louis looked at the clock as it struck twelve. He was eighteen. He could meet his soulmate any day now. The idea terrified him for some reason.

There was something about 'responsibility' that terrified Louis to the core. He wasn't good at it, he was reckless, irrational and did whatever he felt like without thinking about the consequences. He wonder whether his soulmate would like him. What if his soulmate rejected him? Of course that was a rare case like one in a hundred. But there was a one. Louis was terrified.

Suddenly there was a knock on his window and he raised his eyebrows. Is my Romeo here already? Louis thinks, laughing at himself. It was funny because it had only been minutes since he'd turned eighteen of course his soulmate wouldn't pop at his window already. He wasn't lucky like that.

He goes to his window and pulls aside the curtains to see a grinning Harry there and he looks him in the eye, his eyebrows raised. And fuck wrong move. Louis felt pain in his ring finger and fuck, is this really happening.

"Fuck shit, fuck." Louis says, opening the window and then gripping his ring finger.

Harry stumbles in, "Happy Birthday, Lou!" He slurs and what the actual fuck?

"Are you fucking drunk Harry?" Louis says, holding Harry upright, not bothering about the pain.

This was fantastic really. His soulmate is fucking drunk when he gets the tattoo. Drunk and four years younger than him.

"You're thirteen for fucks sake Harry. Who even gave you a drink?" Louis says, making Harry sit on his bed.

"I'm going to be fourteen in two months," Harry says, frowning,"and Nick gave me. It was supposed to be a sip but oh well." Harry says, grinning.

"Don't tell me he gave you weed too." Louis says, handing Harry a glass of water.

Harry scrunches his nose up in the most adorable way, "no he didn't. Not that I remember." He says, drinking the water Louis hands him.

"I'll fucking kill that grimsaw. He always causes fucking trouble." Louis says, annoyed, then lays Harry on his bed, slipping next to him.

"Lou, Happy Birthday again. I love you." Harry says, next to him, smiling, green eyes shining.

Louis smiles at him, pushing his curls from his forehead, "thank you Haz." He says, kissing him on the forehead.

He keeps running his fingers through Harry's hair until he falls asleep. Then Louis looks at his finger, tattoo of a rose in front and then a ring going around his finger. Fuck does it hurt when it's being formed.

He looks at it in awe though, he'd never seen one like it ever. Then he thinks maybe it was because of day they were at the park, Louis tucking a pink rose behind Harry's ears and his too.

"I love you so much." Louis mumbles, kissing Harry's forehead once again and pulling him closer to himself and dozing off to sleep.


When Louis woke up, looking at Harry's sleeping figure he realises what happened last night and he also realises how fucking weird it was. It wasn't that he didn't love Harry, he loved him to bits. He empties his savings for him for fucks sake but Harry was four years younger and Louis was sure Harry couldn't know about this soulmate thing until he was eighteen too. What if Harry didn't want a four years older soulmate?

Louis groaned getting out of bed, making sure not to wake up Harry.

He made his way downstairs to the kitchen. He found his mum there, sipping tea.

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