Chapter 4

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"So Louis tea?" Anne asks as Louis takes his place next to Harry at the table near the kitchen.

"Yes please." Louis says.

"Wait let me help you make it!" Harry says, quickly getting up and standing next to Anne, watching as his mother boiled the water. He just had the urge to know everything about Louis. Because Louis was his best friend and best friends know everything about each other don't they?

When she had poured the tea, Harry looked over at Louis and asked, "How much sugar Lou?"

"Two spoons." Louis said, smiling at him.

Once Louis' tea was made, Harry went over to give it to him and plopped down next to him.

"Hey!what about my tea?" Anne said, mixing the sugar.

Harry just shrugged, grinning sheepishly.

Anne just raised her eyebrows and let it go.

"So Louis when is your next football match?" Harry asked, his legs dangling.

"It's on Friday. Wanna come? I'll get you a seat next to Zayn in the front." Louis said, putting his arm around Harry's shoulder. Harry leans into it.

"Yes! And Zayn's cool, I love his drawings they're awesome!" Harry says, excitedly.

"That they are kid."

"You're going to be late for your piano lessons, Harry. Sir doesn't come home anymore, remember?" Anne says, sitting in front of Louis.

"Oh yeah!" Harry says, getting out of his seat to go take his stuff.

Once he had everything he came running down,

"Bye Louis! Bye mum!" He shouts before running out of the house.

Once Harry was gone, Anne turned to Louis, "I was planning on throwing a party for Harry's birthday tomorrow. Call all of his friends." Anne says.

"Yeah that'll be great, he's turning ten and everything." Louis agrees.

"Just help me out with it, will you?" Anne asks.

"Of course."

"Thank you,Louis."

"It's no problem Anne. Anything for Harry."


Louis knocks at the Styles apartment and waits for the door to open.

"Oh Louis! You're here, thank god." Anne says.

She goes and sits in the couch Louis following her.

"So how can I help?" Louis asks.

"Well I told Harry to make a list of friends and well this is what he gave me." Anne says, sighing and handing Louis a piece of folded paper.

Louis raises his eyebrows, what could possibly go wrong in a list of friends? Louis thinks opening the paper and oh.

Written on the blank piece of paper was only one word in the centre,



Louis didn't know what to do with the fact that he was Harry's only friend? He wanted to give Harry everything right there and then because Harry never even complained about not having friends.

Louis wanted to be the best friends Harry ever had. And maybe make sure Harry had someone back there in school too.

Louis couldn't believe that Harry was probably alone rest of the day in school after him and Louis parted ways. Of course Louis went to Harry's events and Harry came to his games but still.

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