Chapter 5

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Harry age 12
Louis age 16


Harry looked at the gravel road, shifting from one heel to another, waiting for Louis to come pick him up. Louis could drive now and he dropped and picked Harry up to and from school and Harry was a little too happy about the new arrangement.

Harry remembers the first day when Louis showed up in a car, his smile wide, blue eyes shining and god Harry loved him. Harry was so sure Louis was his soulmate, ever since his mum told him about the fact. Harry just knew he'd get his ring tattoo when he was staring in Louis' eyes. He wanted that to happen so bad. Of course he never told anyone about it, they'll think he was crazy but he didn't want anyone else except Louis to be his soulmate.

So when Louis' car pulled up in front of Harry and someone else, a girl, was seated in Harry's seat (next to Louis of course) Harry wasn't happy. He scowled and sat in the backseat.

"Hey kid!" Louis said, happily, looking at Harry through the review mirror.

Harry just pouted, crossed his arms across his chest and sank in the seat.

"Harry this is Eleanor." Louis said, motioning to the girl sitting next to him, where Harry was supposed to sit.

"Hey." Eleanor said, smiling at him. She was pretty, really pretty, she had nice straight hair, flawless skin, her eyes a pretty brown and she really was pretty and Harry wanted to cry because maybe Louis thought she was pretty too and maybe Louis thought she was his soulmate.

Harry was not going to reply, but then he looked at Louis' eyes and sighed.

"Hey." He said, trying to smile the best he could.

"Put your seatbelt on kid." Louis said, as he started driving.

"Not a kid." Harry said under his breath and put on the seatbelt nonetheless.

Harry watched as Louis talked to Eleanor and not him the whole ride to school, making her laugh and not Harry and god wasn't Louis his soulmate? Harry just looked out the window.


Harry waited patiently at the lunch table, which was empty other than Harry. Louis had told him no promised him that he'd have lunch with Harry today and of course Harry remembered. Harry was ready to put the morning thing behind him, he couldn't stay mad at Louis after all.

Suddenly a blonde boy with blue eyes came and stood in front of him.

He's not Louis.

Harry thought, frowning.

"Hey can I sit here?" He said, giving Harry a wide smile.

"No, my best friend is going to come sit here." Harry said, annoyed.

"And whose that?" Niall asked, raising his eyebrows. Because it was already ten minutes since lunch started and his best friend should have been here already if he had to.

"Louis Tomlinson." Harry said, grinning.

"As in the captain of the football?" Niall asked, his eyebrows raising higher. He was pretty sure he'd seen Louis snogging a girl against a locker on his way here.

"Yes." Harry said, proudly.

Niall didn't want to break this kid's bubble so he didn't tell him about the snogging part and instead said, "How about this, I sit here until he comes and when he does I'll leave, promise."

Harry frowned before saying, "Okay."

Niall kept talking through out lunch, like he'd known Harry for eternity.

Louis never showed up.

Niall said they were best friends now
because Harry let him have his chips.

Harry just missed Louis and looked like he would cry any time the whole day. Niall sat next to him when they had classes together. Harry didn't talk much.


Eleanor was in the car again when they were going back home, again sitting in Harry's seat. Harry didn't like it one bit. He glared out the window the whole ride.

Eleanor got down at her house giving Louis a kiss on his cheek, Harry was starting to hate her, really.

Once they were on their way to their house Louis looked at Harry and asked, "What's wrong kid?"

Harry snapped at that, "First of all I'm not a kid Louis. Secondly you were supposed to have lunch with me, you promised!"

Louis winced, because fuck how could he forget.

When they were in front of Harry's house, he turned to Harry, "I'm sorry Haz I—"

"It's whatever Lewis." Harry said, getting out of the car and slamming the car door shut.

Louis just sighed and thought Harry will get over it, he could never stay mad at Louis for long anyways.

Harry waited the whole day for Louis to show up at his house and apologise or just spend time with Harry. But he never did.

Harry cried himself to sleep that day.


Next day Harry told his mom to drop him off to school before time. He just didn't want to talk to Louis.

Louis was surprised when Harry didn't come with him to school the next day, because he always told him when he had to go early and told Louis to drop him. He shrugged it off.

Harry walked to lunch with Niall that day, his gaze down giving Niall half hearted answers when he was asked something.

On his way he saw Louis, his nose bumping with Eleanor as he kissed her. A smile on his face.His pink bracelet not on his wrist and Harry ran away from there, Niall following him.

Harry ended up outside, where people could go out for lunch but never usually did.

"Haz.." Niall said, sitting next to him.

"He's my best friend, he shouldn't leave me for a girl. He's supposed to be my soulmate Niall." Harry said, crying, gripping his yellow bracelet.

Niall pulls him to his chest,rubbing his back "You know I have an older brother, Greg, we were like really close we used to do everything together. But then he grew up and I wasn't cool enough to hang out with him and his friends or whatever. It happens Harry. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you its just....he wants to hang out with his other friends."

"But we never remove our bracelets, we are supposed to be there for each other always. He said that Niall.." Harry says, crying more.

"It's okay, Haz. He'll come around c'mon don't cry." Niall says, wiping Harry's tears.

Harry wants to cry more because Louis used to make sure he never cried. Louis used to wipe his tears. But he wiped his nose and tried to breathe.

Once he was calm enough, Niall asked him, "You think he's your soulmate?"

"I want him to be and I used to think anyways." Harry says, staring ahead, sniffling.

Niall just hummed in response.

"Can we go get food now? I'm really hungry." Niall says, after a few minutes breaking the silence.

Harry laughs and nods anyway.

At least he has Niall.


Best part is I get to write about everything ha. Hope you liked that!

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