Torturing him yesterday was fun and seeing how frustrated he was was actually satisfying.

I step closer to Abel, so that my face is inches away from his. "But you enjoyed it, didn't you?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Maybe," he answers. "But I still need to get you back."

I hit him playfully and start walking again and he follows beside me. "You know, you're not meant to tell someone that you're going to get them back, right?" I say, shaking my head. Abel curses under his breath and I just laugh. I loop my arm through his and he shoves his hand in his bomber jacket pocket. He actually looks good today. "So, you're paying for lunch, right?" I ask cheekily.

Abel laughs. "Of course, " he says.

We start walking along in silence and my mind keeps going back to him giving that guy the drugs.

"Abel," I say slowly.


"Why were you dealing?" I ask.

Abel stops walking and frowns. "What?" he asks, trying to act confused.

I pull my arm away from him. "I saw you," I say. "That guy was giving you money and you gave him something - which I assume to be drugs - in return."

Abel just stares at me. "You're just assuming things," he states sternly. "How do you know it wasn't drugs?"

I roll my eyes and huff. "What else would it be?" I snap and Abel just shrugs. I start reaching into his jacket pocket, but he quickly moves away.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he snaps quietly, so that no one pays attention to us.

"You said you weren't dealing drugs, so prove it," I say, jaw clenched.

"Why the fuck do you care, Taylor?" Abel shouts and I purse my lips. "Is it because you don't want me to get put away? Because you won't have anyone to fuck?"

I stare at Abel likes he's mad. Does he really think that of me? Suddenly, I feel the tears spring up in my eyes and I just shake my head and start walking away.

"Taylor!" Abel calls out, but I ignore him. I hear him following me back to the apartment. Why is he following me? I just want to scream at him right now but I don't want to talk to him. He practically thinks I'm a slut. What if I actually cared about him? Did that ever cross his mind?

Just as I reach the apartment, I feel myself being grabbed. "What the fuck?" I shout. I look up at the two guys. One is bald and the other has dreads - I'm sure that they're the two guys that grabbed me the other night. "Let go of me."

"Get the fuck off her!" Abel snaps, pushing the two guys off me. "What the fuck do you want?"

"We want our money!" the bald guy snaps.

"I don't owe you anything!" Abel shouts, walking closer to them. "Now get the fuck out of here before I fuck the both of you up for the third time." The two guys just glare at Abel and look at me before getting into their car and driving off. Abel turns to look at me. "You okay?" he wants to know.

I nod. "I'm fine," I mumble. I look up at him. "You didn't pay those guys yet? It's been a month." And surprising they haven't come after me like they said.

Abel clenches his teeth. "I don't owe them anything," he says.

"So, you just decided to beat the shit out of them instead?" I ask. I hate that being connected to Abel lands me in his shit. I have a life to live for fuck's sake. I don't need to be threatened by people. The only way I can stop anything from happening is by moving out and getting as far away from Abel as possible.

"They threatened you," Abel says now. "I had to sort them out."

"Well, thanks for that," I tell Abel sarcastically and he frowns. "You know what? I don't want to be involved in whatever shit you have going on, okay?" I push the apartment building door open and walk in. I press the button and wait for the lift to arrive.

"What does that mean?" Abel asks.

I sigh and look at him. "It means," I start to say, "that I don't want to continue this little thing we have going on and I'm moving out."

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