Chapter 24

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Jasmine p.o.v

Sitting at home I rubbed my belly while watching the latest episode of Love and Hip Hop. Tbh the shit is mad boring to me.

"Jasmine." I heard Armani call out to me. Looking up I chuckled seeing her limping towards me due her cast on her leg.

"Shit not funny man." She said mugging me which made me laugh out loud. I was glad when my bestie came from the hospital. She finally was able to come over since Don and Roman had to handle some business.

"I'm so glad yo ass finally came to see me." I said pouting. Armani rolled her eyes.

"Shut yo dramatic ass up and you know it was Roman fault since I got out the hospital Roman had me locked up in the house and we talked on the phone everyday." She said.

"Its not the same and if this girl don't stop kicking me we gonna have some problems." I said rubbing my stomach Armani smacked my hand rubbed my stomach and sighed.

"My pooh butt need to hurry up and come out." Armani said.

"Who the hell you telling baby girl a week overdue and she just chilling like she wasn't due last week Wednesday." I said with hella attitude I'm so over this pregnancy.

Maybe it was better when we were just best friends

I think I'd be better if we were just best friends

Maybe it was better when we were just best friends

I think I'd be better if we were just best friends-

Grabbing the phone I lowkey didnt wanna answer the phone because this my damn song but when I saw it was Don I rolled my eyes and answered.

Donny💟: Hey baby. I just wanted to let you know that me and Roman are almost done handling business and I wanted to know what you Armani wanted to eat since I'm out.

Me: Baby can you get some food that I can cook I'm in the mood for some Alfredo so get some ingredients for Chicken Alfredo.

Donny💟:Alright baby we'll be by y'all in a hour I love you.

Me:Love you too bye.

Hanging up the phone I quickly went to my music playlist and played my ringtone song. These past weeks this song was on replay. It got to point where Don was singing the shit too. It was by a YouTube couple name Chris and Queen.

"This song is lit asf what's the name of it?" Armani asked and I smirked I love putting people on to new songs.

"Mabey by Chris and Queen." I said rubbing stomach lowkey sighing because baby girl is acting the hell up.

"Oh I was meaning to ask you what was gonna name the baby since you wanna keep shit a secret." Armani scoffed at me.

"Jamya Alani Carson." I said me and Don was debating for months about her first name he wanted her to have a D name but I said in the future if we have another child they can have it.

"Thats cute now I know what to put on her necklace I'm about to get made for her." She said excitedly. I just shook my head I think she is more excited about the baby than anyone which is good.

Me and Armani continue to sit and talk and while we waited for the boys  to come home.

After waiting for about another fifteen minutes the boys finally came into the house.

"Baby the stuff here to make the food." Don said sticking his head in the room door.

Roman then decided to push my baby out the way and walk into the room I mugged him and watch him walk to Mani and gave her a big hug which made them fall back on my bed.

"I beg your damn pardon? Y'all better get y'all head asses off my bed and walk down them stairs." Don said to them they both suck their teeth and walked out the room while I laughed.

"Baby do you want me to cook the food cause you know you ain't suppose to be moving around." I just nodded my head and raised my arm up so he can carry me down stairs. When he reached for me I double over in pain cause my stomach started to hurt.

"Woah baby are you okay?" Don asked I shook my head.

"No my stomach is fucking with me I think she's about to come but I can't do anything until my water break." I said. If she didn't come with the next two days I had to go so they could break my water and I could have her.

"Baby you need to lay down and relax if ya stomach hurting like that imma tell Armani to come back up here while okay." He said while helping me lay down I nodded my head and he gave me a kiss before walking out the room to go downstairs.

Armani soon came upstairs but immediately was by my side when she saw the uncomfortable look on my face and came by my side.

We sat in my room before I quickly sit up when I felt that I piss up.

"Girl what the fuck wrong with you?" She asked standing up.

"I think my water broke." I said looking up at her.

Hey y'all I guess I wanted to do a part I part II y'all deserve it since I wasn't on here for a while so I put up part II by Wednesday. Vote, comment, and enjoy. Peace✌✌

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