Chapter 11

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Peyton's POV:

I had just got to the hallway with my locker in it when I saw her sitting on the floor. I had forgotten my chemistry homework so I went back to get it. As I got closer I realized she was crying.

"Oh my gosh, Kenz, baby what happened?" I asked her. She was crying and shaking. The left side of her face was red and puffy and there was a small cut on her lip.

"m-my-my ex boyfriend. He moved here and now he's-" she was sayig in between sobs.

"It's okay sweetheart. Calm down a little and then you can tell me," I said as I took her into my arms. About 5 minutes later she calmed down enough to speak.

"Can we just go to your house, Pey? I'll tell you about it when we get there," she said. I helped her up and held her hand to the car.

Mackenzie's POV:

After I told Peyton everything that happened he just cuddled me and held my tight while I cried some more. I felt so safe in his arms. I looked up at him. God, he's so beautiful. He just looked at me with genuine sadness and care in his eyes. I kissed him lightly on the mouth.

"I love you," he said. That was the first time he said that to me. And deep in my heart and soul I knew I was in love with him.

"I love you too," I said. And then he kissed me with a powerful force. Not like how Ryan kissed me to where it hurt my lips. But with a force that made my heart race and made me want more. I felt Peyton's tongue on my lips, as if to ask for permission. I slightly opened my mouth in answer to his silent question. I knew that this wasn't just any noraml make-out session between a teenage couple. We're young and in love. Actually in love. I knew from that moment that I never wanted anybody else. Everything and everyone left mymind and it was just filled with Peyton Levi Sanders. My one true love.

Peyton's POV:

I told her that I loved her and I meant it. Mackenzie is not just another girl. She's different. She's my soulmate. I knew from the moment that I laid eyes on her that I was a goner. That first day of school when she bumped into me just had to be fate. I was thinking about nothing and everything. Everything that has to do with Mackenzie, that is. Just then she started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Are you sure?" I said, pulling my face away from hers to look into her eyes. She answered me by kissing me again and taking the rest of my shirt off. I decided to just go along with it. If it's really what she wanted, and it's what I had been wanting. It's not that I was using Mackenzie for sex, it's just that I wanted her. All of her. If her heart and soul were mine, then her body should be too...

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