Happy Lowman Drabble (From Prompt List)

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This was one of the most awkward things I'd ever had to deal with.

Thanks to my close relationship with SAMCRO, I was always in danger when their club was threatened.

Thankfully, I didn't have to stay at the clubhouse. At first, I thought that was great. But, then they sent someone to stay with me. I was expecting a prospect, or maybe someone I knew very well. But, I got neither of those things.

They sent a silent, psychopath that'd I'd only met once or twice.

Happy Lowman.

It's not that he was a bad guy, because he wasn't. He'd been nothing but kind. But, there was a small problem.

Like I said, he was silent. Me? I was very talkative. But, I was having my fun with him.

He walked out of the bathroom, and I let out a chuckle. "Oh, good morning. I see the hitman I hired failed. I'll never see that money again."

He smiled but said nothing.

"You know, no offense Happy, but you're kinda like a pet. I talk, and you don't answer. But I know you're listening!" I smiled sarcastically, earning an eye roll.

"Please don't ever call me a pet again." He replied, a dry tone in his voice.

I smiled ear to ear, and hugged him, which of course took him by surprise.

"You talked! Wow you're voice is deep. It's..kinda hot." I winked. He smiled.

"Well, seeing how excited it makes you, I'll be doing it more often."

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