What the fuck does that mean?

I have my enemy's love, Melody, but I don't know what to do with her. She is just... there. Don't get me wrong, this chick is beautiful. I just don't want to hurt her.

Wow, did that just happen?

'I don't want to hurt her?'

I sound like a whimp! You know what it means! Fully embrace her! What else could it mean? Do I need to spell it out for myself?

I can't though. I don't want to hurt her. There is this stupid ass voice in my mind that tells me, "Take advantage of this oppertunity! Don't just stand here in the shower! Make her love you! Thats the purest way to 'fully embrace' her. Be a gentleman. She will love you."

I do have a connection to the raven haired girl that is laying in my bed. I don't know if it is positive or negetive, all I know is that I actually have a connection to her. 

God I have to get out of the shower before she thinks I am some freak that wastes water, since she is a mermaid and all. I wonder if she remembers that part of her life.

I get out of the shower adn wrap a towel around my waist. My reflection appears on the mirror. The same black birth marks lay upon my skin. Luimere never told me how they got there. It was always a mystery to me.

Damn it! I didn't bring clean sweatpants in here. 

I slowly creak open the door and I see Melody with her head in a drawing pad. MY DRAWING PAD!

"Melody! What are you doing?" I gasped. As girly as this sounds, I don't let anyone mess with my drawlings

"S-S-S-Sorry," She stutters and whips are head around to face me. Her cheeks blush in the most adorable way possible. Now I know what Pan sees in her. It came at me like a brick to the face.

The way she laughs or blushes or even the way she talks. Melody is just so damn pure. She is like an angel sent from heaven above. All I want to do is corrupt her. I want to morph her into my little doll. That would sure piss of Pan, and bring joy to me.

I slowly made my way over to her. Her pale face blushes even more, well I couldn't blame her. I was strolling over to her with just a loose towel holding on to my waist. Once I was just inches away, her beautiful green eyes finally made contact with mine.

I bit my lower lip to stop the smile that was about to appear on my face. I need to show her that I am a man, not a wuss. She shyly tucks her hair behind her ear and bites her lip too. I lean in to that we were only centimeters apart. I glance down at her lips then back up to her eyes. 

I want her. I want her so badly. Right when I was about to back make the slightest contact with her lips, Melody pulled away.

She turned her sweet head and looked at the door.

"I'm going to find another room," She says and her voice pierces my ears.

Great you blew it. I nodded and she left the room.

POV of Melody

Why did I let myself go that far? I should have stopped him before we where that close to kissing.It was too close. I didn't feel that way about him. Well I might. I just don't know. I hardly know the guy. 

I quickly found a room across the hall. There was a bed and everything. I thanked my lucky stars and layed down on the bed. I wasn't tired but I need to rest. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.


Loud noises woke me up. I whiped my eyes and quickly got out of bed. Then I ran out the door into the hall way. It was abandoned. Well what can you expect from a palace where only four people reside.


Two more loud noises came again. I rushed to the main corridor of the castle on this level. Still nothing. There was no one in sight.

Thump! CRASH! Boom!

I race down the descending stairs and rapidly step one foot infront of the other. What the hell is happening?

Then I saw it. I saw him. I saw my worst nightmare. He was there, with a gun. A GUN. I was scared into a frozen state. This can't be happening. Its just a dream! A nightmare. Wake up Melody, this is not happening!


"Melody?" His voice pierced my heart. I practically dropped to my knees. Tears flooded down my face. He was here. He was actually here! My body went on full shut down mode. I squeezed my eyes shut, but I could hear his soft footsteps run up the stairs.

"Melody, its me!" His voice calls again. "What are you so afraid of? I am here for you. I love you!"

"NO!" I screamed. "Please no! Please Pan!"

"Pan?" I opened my eyes. A flicker of pain and hurt crossed on his face. How could such a monster feel hurt?

"Get away from me!" I screamed once more. "Get the hell away from me!"

"Melody?" His voice was weak. "What happened to Always and Forever, Mel? I love you!"

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