Paris Burning/Into the Sunlight

Start from the beginning

Jack made an ice ball and throw it at Nevil but Nevil was faster as he throw the torch at him melting the ice and hitting Jack in the hand making him hiss in pain. "Jack!" I yell as I reach for him but he holds his hand up at me. I could see the skin starting to blister up, he wasn't going to use his powers with his hand looking like that. "No Elsa, this is my fight, you need to stay out of it." He say his voice harsh making me sit back, "But.." I start to say but he looks over at me with a weak smile, "Don't worry, you won't lose me." He says as he winks before turning back to the Judge.

"You want to fight father, fine then lets fight." Jack says as he starts to walk to Nevil. Nevil starts to meet him in the middle as he pulls out a swords and swings missing Jack by inches. I starts to stand just as Jack slides under a table while Nevil takes another swing hitting the table. He starts to look around until he meets my glare. "Letting you alone, what a stupid move." The Judge says with a smile as he walks over to me making me go into a corner. I knew I was to weak to try and use my powers on him. Before Nevil could even touch me, Jack grab him form behind and pushed him to the ground making the sword fall form his hands.

Both the Judge and Jack fell to the ground trying to reach the sword but Nevil was to fast as he grabs the sword and swings again at Jack missing him by a hair. I watch like a damsel in distress not be able to help Jack as he quickly stands and runs to the balcony the Judge close behind him. I chase after both of them to see Jack hanging onto the ledge for dear life. "Jack!" I scream my heart beating out of my chest as I start to run to help him. "No Elsa!" Jack yells making me stop as he looks at me, his eyes screaming at me to stay and I listen.

"And the Lord gave me the strength to send this demon back to hell" Nevil yells as he raises his sword and starts to swing down right as Jack swings his body to the side and having just missed the sword and sending the Judge over the side as Jack lands on the ledge. I run to him to see him still looking down at the ground. Below us, Pairs was on fire almost like a volcano erupt sending lava all over Pairs. And holding on for deal life on a statue was the Judge. "Should we.." Before I could finish my sentence I see Nevil's face turn from anger to fear. "No.. No.." He says as the statue starts to break from his hold, sending down into the river of lava.

I feel Jack pull me into his chest making me not see the horror that happen to Nevil. "Is it over?" I ask as I pull back to see Jack's face. I see him start to smile as I feel something cold and wet hit my head. I look up to see rain start to pour over us. I look over the edge to see the lava start to burn out form the water making Pairs look like the city of love again. I look back at Jack, he was a mess, his hair was wet and everywhere, his eyes were red from crying and he had buries all over his arms and chest. But I know I didn't look any better but in Jack's eyes, he made me feel beautiful. "It's finally over." He says as he pulls me in and kisses me in the rain.

I couldn't believe it.. It was over.

Two Months Later


"You know you clean up good." Leo says as he helps me with my tie making me smile. "What you didn't like the rags I use to wear?" I say making him laugh as he smacks me on the back as we turn to the mirror. I admit, I looked damn good in a suit and tie and of course Leo was in his uniform, today was a special day.

It's been two months since the night Pairs was on fire and the night the Judge died. No one ever found his body, it was like he just disappeared into the fire. It took awhile but Pairs become alive again. The gypsies were taking over Pairs with their music, tricks and fools but everyone loved their shows and enjoyed watching them and listing to them. Life was good.

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