Chapter 6: Bad Crowd

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The next day, I tried going early to class but was held by Carly forever by her Jared interrogation. Carly's obsession had to be unhealthy. She once offered to pay me fifty dollars for a picture of him shirtless, when I told her how creepy that was she laughed it off as if she was joking the whole time. She so wasn't joking.

I caught Karter's eye in class, he hurriedly lowered his gaze obviously trying to avoid me. His whole posture was defensive. Was I becoming a Carly to him? I shivered at the horrifying thought. Well I did sort of good-willingly stalk him.

At lunch time I wanted to go sit beside Karter, but Manny grabbed my arm and dragged me to our usual table claiming everyone has been asking about me. I took my seat next to Manny hearing the boys discuss their upcoming football game and the girls discuss what they wanted to do this weekend. I couldn't help but zone out. I never really belonged on this table, I just sat there in association with Jared and Manny. This group of friends had their benefits, they were entertaining at times. I got the full high school experience with them, I got invited to every party, was in on every joke, went out on all their big plans. But there was always something missing. Their friendship felt like a show, there was no realness. Not how it was with Manny and I, but still I couldn't claim Manny for my own. He was friends with everyone, I couldn't deny him that.

I couldn't help but look at Karter. I had Manny and occasionally Jared. Who did he have? He has always been alone at school. Why did he keep all those walls up? Why won't he even let me have a conversation with him rather than an argument? Karter suddenly looked up meeting my eyes. He looked at my table of friends before looking back at me. A flash of anger crossed his expression before he turned away. He got up and started to leave the food court. I got up hurriedly running after him ignoring Manny's questions. I broke into a jog trying to keep up with Karter's long legs. I finally found him at his locker. Before I could reach him Carly popped in front of my face. Twice in a day? What did I do to deserve this?

"Hey Liv! I just got out of student council, is your brother here? I haven't seen him all day? Is he in the caff or maybe they're sitting outside?" she interrogated.


Karter had now opened his locker stuffing books into his backpack. I needed to reach him fast.

"No, he's in the infirmary. Caught an STD."

Her jaw fell as she stared at me in horror. I held myself back from rolling on the floor in laughter. Karter, on the other hand, seemed to have heard me because small smirk crept on his face. Carly, however, closed her mouth before walking away in a hurry.

Priceless! I should have done this sooner!

Jared was going to give me an earful about this later. Definitely worth it.

Karter was now closing his locker and walking away. I followed him outside as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his sweater.

"Karter!" I called after him but he didn't stop.

I jogged after him finally reaching his side. I tried catching my breath before talking, but god it was taking some time. He was ignoring my presence. Finally, my heart rate seemed to decrease to a normal one allowing me to speak again.

"Karter," I tried again.

"What do you want Livia?" he sighed tiredly, finally acknowledging me.

"I think we need to clear the air," I offered. "Like why you hate me."

"Besides you following me everywhere?" he said exasperatedly.

I linked my hands behind my back nervously. "Well yes, other than that."

Dealing with KarterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ