Claire's eyes fluttered open just as the last fragments of the dream faded away. As she lay there, trying to recall the warm, comforting sensation she'd felt in Evelle's presence, she felt it slipping further and further away. It left her feeling cold and empty instead and she burrowed further into the rough woolen blankets.

       She had just drifted off to sleep again when the door to the room opened abruptly and hit the wall with a loud thud.

       "Alright, princess, time to get up," Kilian called out. "You've slept half the day away and we've got quite a bit of walking to do."

        Claire groaned inwardly and pulled the blanket over her face. She barely recalled arriving in town the night before. She'd been out of it between the cold and the stress that she was simply grateful to tumble into bed the moment she saw one.

       "Come on," Kilian declared, jerking the blanket from the bed. Claire was hit with a blast of icy air and she let out a cry of surprise and annoyance. "I got you some new clothes. I wasn't sure about the size so I guessed. If anything, they'll be a bit big."

       Claire sat up and looked towards the bag he had set down on the small table. It was the only other piece of furniture in the room beside the bed. This left Claire to wonder where Kilian had spent the night. "Do you always come barging into someone else's room?" She grumbled.

       "What are you talking about, this is my room too," Kilian replied.

       "But... there is only one bed," Claire stated.

       "How very observant of you," Kilian said as he reached for the bag and began to pull the clothing out.

       "W-where did you sleep?" Claire asked, feeling heat rise to her cheeks.

       "Where do you think I slept? You were so cold, I did what I had to do to keep you warm, you should be thanking me for the sacrifices I've had to make," Kilian offered with a shrug and a smirk.

       "You didn't! You can't just-- you didn't even ask!"

       Kilian rolled his eyes and tossed the clothes her way. "Calm down, princess, I slept on the floor. Geesh. Now get dressed and meet me downstairs in five minutes. I can't guarantee they'll be any breakfast waiting for you if you're late."

       "Stop calling me princess, my name is Claire," she snapped, feeling her cheeks grow warmer.

       "Whatever you say, Claire," Kilian snorted as he headed out the door. "Five minutes." He called before disappearing from view.

      "Jerk," Claire muttered.

       Five minutes later, Claire was making her way down a narrow flight of rickety stairs which lead to the common room of the inn. She had to give Kilian credit, he'd done a good job guessing her size. The thick woolen pants and heavy cotton shirt were a little big, but bodice was snug enough to make up for it. The overcoat was perfect, and the boots fit just right after she donned a pair of thick socks. The clothing was definitely odd, but Claire was doing her best to take it all in stride. It was better than what she'd had on before and would definitely protect her from the cold.

        A few heads turned her way when she stepped into the busy common room, but their attention didn't linger long. It took her only a few seconds to find Kilian. He was sitting at a table laden down with various dishes, many of the plates already empty.

       "Thanks for waiting," Claire stated as she reached the table.

       He glanced towards her and shrugged. "I told you, five minutes," he explained. Claire resisted the urge to roll her eyes and sat down in the empty chair instead. "Eat up, it may be a few days before we have a meal like this again."

       "Where are we going?" Claire asked.

       "Does it matter? It's not like you'd know, even I told you," Kilian said between mouthfuls of food. Claire made a face and reached for a biscuit. "What?"

       "Your manners, they're terrible."

       "Pft, not a princess my ass, stop acting like one and maybe I'll remember to stop calling you one," he grunted. "We're going to the capital."

       "The capital? Why?"

       "If you really must know, I have to meet someone there," Kilian replied.


       Kilian slammed the mug he was drinking from down onto the table causing all the dishes to rattle. "How can you possibly eat when you are too busy asking so many damn questions?" Kilian snapped.

       Claire fell silent after that, chewing the biscuit slowly. Her thoughts drifted back to the dream she'd had and the woman. Find Irrix, he will be a steadfast ally.

       "Do you know someone named, Irrix?"

       Kilian's gaze locked with hers. "Where did you hear that name?"

       "I... does it matter? Do you know him?"

       "I know him, he's a dangerous man," Kilian said.

       "I need to find him," Claire explained. "It's important."

       "Important you say? How is it you've been in this world for less than a day and you already have someone important to find?"

       "I'm not sure I can explain," Claire offered after a moment.

       "Try," Kilian pressed. He looked annoyed which made Claire that much more hesitant to tell him that her sudden request was the result of dream.

       "I had a dream," Claire admitted at last. "A woman told me to find Irrix; she said he would be my ally."

       "So because of a dream you want to track down one of the most dangerous men in the Winter Isles and ask him to be your friend?" Kilian asked. "I just want to make sure I have it all straight."

       "Well... when you say it like that it does sound a little crazy... but..."

       "Just a little? Try a lot," Kilian said. "It was just a dream, Claire."

       "How could I just dream the name of a person I've never heard of until today, huh? Besides, this isn't the first time I dreamed of this woman," Claire insisted. "I heard her when I was falling, right after --"

        Claire stopped, her heart skipping a beat.

       "Where is it?" she asked suddenly, her voice edged with panic.

       "Where is what?" Kilian asked, his tone bored.

       "The nutcracker, where is it?"

       "Why are you so obsessed with that damn toy?" Kilian grumbled, stabbing at his food with his fork.. "I was more concerned with you last night, and making sure you were alive. I didn't see where it went."

       "We have to go back, we need to find him," Claire insisted, rising to her feet.

       "What? Are you crazy? No way," Kilian stated in a matter of fact tone that suggested it wasn't up for discussion. Claire shook her head.

       "I'm going," she said resolutely.

       "Then you're going alone," Kilian said with a shrug, shoving a fork full of food into his mouth and talking around it, "Good luck."

       Claire hesitated. She had no idea if she'd be able to find the same place again, but she wasn't going to beg Kilian for his help either. Her pride wouldn't let her. She stared down at her feet for a moment, feeling conflicted.

       "Fine," she said after a moment of silence. "I'll go by myself."

       "What? You'll never find it alone," he called out as she started for the door of the inn. "Don't be stupid, Claire, don't get yourself killed over a dumb doll." She swore she heard him swear a few times, but she didn't turn back, she couldn't.

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