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*2 Years Later*

As I'm flipping a pancake at my cafe, I hear someone call my name. I look behind me to see Anna running over. "Hey!" I exclaim. I wrap my arms around her. I haven't seen her in two months. She left for college a year ago and the last time she came to see us was fall break. I take the pancake off the stove and put it on plate before decorating it. "How have you been?"

"Great! How about you?" She asks.

"Great. Let's go. Hey, Jen? I'm going to go. See you tomorrow." I tell one of the employees. Anna moves out of my way so I can grab my stuff and we walk out of the cafe. "How'd you get here?"

"A friend dropped me off. I knew you would be there but I wasn't sure if anyone would be home." We get into my car and I turn to her. "Anna, I need to talk to you." Her smile falls when she sees my serious face.

"Of course. About what?"

"Lately, Aidan's been really distant. It's like he's angry with me and I don't know what I've done. I've tried talking to him but he just...he just changes the topic. And-And I just don't know wh-what to do." I respond, breaking down slightly. She sighs and pulls me into a hug.

"He loves you, Charlie. He really does. I don't know what's going on with him but hopefully he notices what he's doing. If he doesn't change, maybe you should leave for a little bit. Maybe visit your parents?"

"Anna, I'm pregnant and I'm afraid. Afraid he won't be happy and he'll leave me or grow more distant." She squeezes me before pulling away to look at me.

"Maybe that's what he needs to hear. Tell him and maybe he'll change back to his normal loving self."

"How am I supposed to tell him? 'Hey, Aidan! Guess what? You're going to be a dad!' I feel like he wouldn't appreciate finding out like that." I respond, wiping my face with my sleeve. She shrugs and then smiles.

"I have just the idea!"

~Aidan's POV~

Walking inside our house, Snow, our pure white husky, comes in to greet me. "Hey, Snow. Is Charlotte home yet?" She just jumps on me and licks my hand. I sigh and push her down gently. "Charlotte! I'm home!" But there isn't a response. I find a note on the whiteboard in the kitchen, I may be home a little late. I have a lot of things to do. I love you, Aidan. -C

I sigh and go into the living room, sitting on the couch. When have we left notes for each other like that?

I guess since I've decided to be an idiot and not talk to her.

I put my head in my hands and think back to how I've treated her these past couple of weeks. I've started leaving earlier in the morning and getting home later in the afternoon so she wouldn't confront me about it. But today I came home at 2 so I can see her. I miss her so much.

I'm surprised she hasn't left my stupid ass.

I groan and get up, going to our room and plugging my dead phone in. As soon as it turns on, I dial her number and I stare at it. I finally hit the call button and put it up to my ear. It rings and rings and rings. "Hey! This is Charlie! I'll call you back as soon as I can! If it's an emergency, then I guess keep calling and I'll eventually answer! Bye!" I smile after hearing her happy voice. It'd be better in reality, though.

I groan and lay down on the bed when Snow jumps and curls up next to me. "Snow, I think I ruined my marriage." She nuzzles my side. I look over to Charlotte's side of the bed. I see her sparkly sapphire colored eyes and her beautiful long, dark brown hair, curly and sprawled out on her pillow. Her pale face staring me, smiling. Her lips moving but I can't focus on anything but her beauty.

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