Chapter 12

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"Good morning, sweetie." Dad greets, walking into the kitchen as I drink my hot tea.

"Good morning, Dad." I say. He grabs a cup of coffee and sits down across from me. "What are these?" I ask, pushing the papers with houses on them towards him. He pulls his glasses down from the top his head and looks at them.

"Oh...Jeanine and I were going to talk to you later. I didn't realize I had left them laying around."

"Well...what are they?"

"Um, well, I got a new job offer that pays double than what I'm getting paid right now and it seems like such a great place."

"Dad, we just moved here...I don't want to be one of these kids that travels from school to school. I want to stay here, where I'm happy."

"But, sweetie, we'll be able to get new clothes for you and it'll help with paying bills. This is a great opportunity."

"I understand that but I'm finally happy with my friends and Anna makes me feel like an older sister...and...and Aidan..."

"You can still be friends with them. You'll just be a little farther away."


"A place about six hours away."

"What about Jeanine?"

"She'll obviously come with us. We are-"

"Hey, Charlie, Andy." Jeanine says, walking and sitting with us.

"Hey..." Dad says, kissing her cheek. I notice a ring on Jeanine's ring finger when she reaches for Dad's coffee cup. I gasp and look at both of them.

"You-You're engaged?!" Jeanine looks shocked at my sudden outburst and Dad looks away slightly.

"I just told her about the job offer..." Jeanine nods and turns to look at me.

"Honey, it'll be for the best. We can get more things and even get you pet."

"I'm not a five year old girl. I don't want a pet. I want to stay here with my friends."

"Charlie, it won't be for another 1-2 weeks. There are a few things they have to do and a few things I have to do. We have to pack."

"You're going to take it?" I ask.

"I've already said yes, Charlie."

"But, Dad-"

"Charlie, we're doing what we think is best."

"Can I stay here? I'm at legal age. I can stay living here and finish high school."

"We aren't going to leave you here by yourself. You can help us pick out the house and everything but you can't just stay here. Besides, this is a big house-"

"I can do whatever I want! I'm eighteen and I want to stay here!"

You sound like a brat... I stand up and go to my room.

"Charlotte, you can't run from these major conversations all the time." Dad says but I hear Jeanine tell him to leave me alone. I shut my door and lean against it, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths to calm myself. I put on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, converse and my coat. "Where are you going?" Dad asks as I open the door.

"For a walk." I tell him before shutting the door as I walk outside. I shiver as the cold winter wind blows. It must've snowed again last night because there's fresh snow on the ground. I start walking, not caring where I end up.

I don't understand why I have to move just because Dad's accepting a new job. He can wait for me to finish high school-

Charlie, stop being a brat. He's doing what he thinks is best. You're supposed to be the good daughter who doesn't argue with their parents, who just goes with the flow and-

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