Chapter 23

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*Three Months Later*

"I have to go to work but I promise I'll come here when I'm done and help." Aidan promises, kissing my lips. Today is the first day that I'm opening my cafe, Sunshine. Aidan said he was going to leave ten minutes ago but then he starts worrying about something else.

"Aidan, I have help. Dina's on her way and will be here soon, okay? Stop worrying. Besides, when Anna's off school, she's coming her. Alright?" He nods and sighs. "Everything will be okay. I have my phone. Call me if you absolutely need anything." He nods again and I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him. "I love you. Have a good day at work. I'll see you later."

"Love you, too. Be careful today. See you later." He reluctantly leaves and drives to work. He's worried that I might get robbed or something. It took a lot to convince him to go to work today. Dina walks inside just as I was turning some of the things on. "Hey! Sorry, I'm late. My car wouldn't start so my boyfriend had to give me a ride. Have you seen this line?! It's huge!" I laugh and nod.

"I know! Can you turn the OPEN sign on?" She nods, flipping the switch and joins me behind the counter. The first person walks in, smiling.

"Good morning! Welcome to Sunshine! How can I help you?" Dina exclaims, smiling. The lady smiles back and orders a coffee. I start making it as Dina helps the next person. Today's going to be a great day...

"So, where's Aidan?" Dina asks as she puts her food on the table I'm sat at. We just closed for our lunch break. Since there's only two people working, I decided to just close it for lunch instead of having separate lunch breaks.

"He had to work. He kept wanting me to allow him call in but I told him no."

"Why did he want to call in so bad?"

"He's just worried."

"Well, why wouldn't you let him?"

"Because he's a distraction." She laughs.

"Boyfriends are the best kind of distraction." I laugh and shake my head.

"They're  the best but yet the worst kind of distraction. They're enjoyable but  extremely hard to ignore." Dina nods, agreeing with me. We hear the bell  ring, telling us the door has been opened. We both turn to the door to  see Aidan walk in. "Aidan..." I sigh.

"What?" He asks, innocently.

"Please tell me you didn't leave work early." I plead, causing him to smile and sit next to me.

"I didn't, I promise. I just came here for lunch."

"I'll go make you some pancakes."

"Thank you."

As I finish his pancakes, I notice Dina and Aidan whispering until I get closer. "What are you two talking about?" I ask, placing the pancakes in front of him.

"Nothing." They both say too quickly. I shrug and forget about it. I'll just ask Aidan later.

"Bye, Charlotte. Love you." Aidan says, kissing my cheek.

"Bye. Love you." He leaves and I reopen the cafe. Dina walks back inside. "Where did you go?" I ask her.

"Nowhere." She says, too quickly again. I sigh. She couldn't have been with Aidan, he already-

Then I notice Aidan's car driveway. "Wow, Charlie! This place so cute!" Luna exclaims, walking in with Henry behind her, smiling. They're both extremely happy.

"Hey, guys. How have you been?" They both look at each other before nodding and smiling. I look at them both, confused. "What's up?"

"Charlie, promise you won't tell anyone." Luna whispers.

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