Chapter 2

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^^^Picture of Aidan and Anna^^^

The next day, in first period, Aidan and I had to work together on a paper. I did 99.9% of it, he just told me how to spell his name. "How are you in this class if you don't do anything?" I ask Aidan, quietly. His cold eyes look at me with something else in them.

"I don't see how that is any of your business." He states.

"Sorry. I was just wondering."

"Well, stop wondering." The bell rings and we all leave the class to go to second period.

That afternoon, Rea came over because she needed help with some homework. "I don't understand any of this!" She complains, throwing her binder on the ground. I smile.

"It's not that difficult, Rea."

"Says the genius." I roll my eyes and get up off my bed.

"I'm going to go get a glass of water, you want one?"

"Please." I go downstairs and pull out two glasses. As I fill up the water, I notice Aidan outside, smoking a cigarette. A girl comes out of the house and he throws the cigarette out. The girl says something and shakes her head after he responds. He pats her head and smiles. His eyes look soft from where I am. The girl seems to notice my stare and moves her eyes to me. She smiles and then Aidan turns around. I immediately grab the two waters and walk upstairs.

"Here." I place the glass on the table next to her and sit down on the bed.

"Can you do me a huge favor?" She begs. I look at her.

"What is it?"

"This boy asked me out for this Friday and I'm extremely nervous. Can you come with us?" I shake my head.

"I would be a third wheel. That would make me really awkward and embarrassed."

"No, you won't. I'll find you a date."

"What about Luna and Henry?"

"Henry's too shy and he's only comfortable going out with Luna alone."

"Jade? Lewis?"

"Jade doesn't double date and Lewis doesn't want anything to do with dating. Please, Charlotte! I get so nervous when I go on the first date!" She begs, her dark green eyes shining.

"Okay, Rea, I'll go."

"Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Dylan and I will get you a date!" She hugs me and smiles widely. "Dylan's going to take us to the movies and then out to eat. Oh! It's going to be so much fun!" Rea's phone vibrates. She looks at it. "I have to go. My mom's here. See you tomorrow." She packs her stuff up and hugs me again. "Bye."

"See you tomorrow, Rea."

"Thanks, again." I smile and she leaves. I let out a breath and hang my head. I haven't been on any dates in two years.

I go downstairs and start making corn dogs and fries. Dad came home a little while later. "Hey, kiddo. How was school today?" He asks, putting his stuff on the counter.

"Good. Um, are we doing anything Friday?" I ask, putting the food in the oven. I turn to face Dad as he shakes his head.

"I don't think so, why?"

"My friend wants me to go out with her." I left out the double date part because I don't want Dad to ask questions.

"Okay." He sits down at the table and turns his phone on.

After dinner, I go outside and sit on the porch swing. The sun is slowly setting and it's getting colder outside but I don't want to sit inside alone when I could be outside watching the sun set. "Hello." I jump at the sudden voice. I look over to see the girl that lives next door walking over to me. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's good. I was my own world."

"Is it okay if I sit with you?" I nod and pat the spot next to me. She smiles at me. "I'm Anna."

"I'm Charlotte but most people call me Charlie."

"I love that name. Charlotte is one of my favorite names. Do you know my brother?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Have you seen him today? I only saw him this morning but he wasn't here when I got home."

"You mean- he isn't home?" She shakes her head.

"He doesn't usually do this so I was really hoping you would know where he is."

"I haven't seen him today except at school. Why don't you come inside until he comes home?" She nods and follows me inside. "Are you hungry? We have leftover corn dogs and fries." She nods and sits down at the table. "How old are you anyway?"

"I just turned twelve a few weeks ago. How old are you?"

"I'll be turning eighteen soon. Where do you think Aidan went?" Anna shrugs.

"I don't know. He's been acting strangely lately."

"Where's your parents?" She bites her lip and looks away.

"Gone." And I don't ask any more about her parents.

After a while, I see headlights pull into the driveway and then Aidan stumbles out of his car. Is he...drunk? Anna starts to get up but I put my hand on her arm. "Um, Anna, I don't think you should go home. I think Aidan might be drunk." She turns to look out the window and sighs and shakes her head.

"...He promised..." She mumbles. I put my hand on her shoulder. Aidan makes it into the house after almost falling while walking up the step. She turns to look at me and forces a smile.

"What did he promise?"

"He promised he wouldn't drink again and he broke it!" She stomps her foot grips the windowsill tightly.

"Maybe there's a reason behind this." What am I saying? There's no reason behind getting drunk!

Aidan stumbles out of the house, looking frightened and worried. He starts mumbling things and then starts to get back in the car. "Come on, Anna." We rush outside and pull him away from his car by his arm.

"Anna?" He asks, looking at her.

"What the crap, Aidan?! You promised you wouldn't and look at you!" She pushes away from him and storms into their house, slamming the door. Aidan turns to glare at me.

"What?" I ask but immediately regret it.

"Why do you always end up turning up?! No matter what I'm doing you always end up there, whether it's physically or someone's talking about you! It's never ending!"


"She shouldn't have brought you into this."

"I'm glad she did!" He stares at me, shocked and confused. "She could be in danger and you're definitely in danger! You're lucky I don't tell anyone!" He glares at me and storms inside. I groan and I feel a shiver of anger roll down my body.

I walk inside and go straight to bed.

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