Epilogue (Part Two)

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d e l i l a h

The entire room was filled with countless voices saying the exact same thing, "We made it" and "I cannot believe that we did it".


We had made it.

And, we did do it.

"Congratulations Del." I heard my mother speak first. Her voice was just above a mere whisper as she took me into her arms. Her grip on my body was firm and I knew that she had absolutely no intention of letting me go so soon. I did not want her too either, because this had been one of the first big moments in my life that we had experienced together. She ran her fingers through my hair, lovingly. I smiled at her graciously before having to let her go.

"Good job, kiddo." I heard Paul say while he patted the top of my head like he was always doing. Fortuitous, he had not messed up my hair this time.

"Paul, do not you think that I am old enough for you to stop referring to me as kiddo?" I asked, not out of annoyance. Strangely, I liked it when he did it as it made me remember someone. Someone who used to do that when I was younger. My father. I had just wanted to know if to him, it was just a term or if it meant something more. As if he felt like I was a daughter to him.

"Until you reach my age, no." I shook my head, giving him a small smile before he walked off with my mother to what I assumed was the car. I watched them and they went, their fingers interlocked and my mother's head slightly resting on his shoulder.

"I guess congratulations are in order." Zayn spoke from behind me, starling me. I turned around to find him standing there smiles and all with Greyson slightly behind him.

"You guess?"

"Hey now, there is no need to be rude. You are lucky I even attended this gathering." He spoke playfully.

"I am lucky actually, thank you Zayn." He shrugged his shoulders as if referring to it as no big deal. It was to me, so much more than he could possibly ever know.

He walked off in the same direction as our parents had and Greyson, he decided to hang back a little bit making it obvious that he had something to say.

"Hey, you looked great out there." He said, fidgeting slightly. I hated the fact that we could no longer act normal around each other. I grinned in his direction.

"Thank you, Greyson. For the compliment and for coming. Although you were here for Zayn, it still meant a lot to me just to be able to see you." I responded.

"I did not come for Zayn, Delilah. He did not invite me, he just told me how much you wanted to see me. I just did not want to let you know that I wanted to see you too," He started. "I meant it when I said that I would always be here for you when we had first met. I know that I was away for awhile but, I am here now and I can assure you, that I am not going anywhere." It was him that pulled me into a hug first.

"I am so sorry that I hurt you," I said, my throat tightening as my eyes begun to well up. "Me being with Harry does not mean that I don't still care for you. I do, Greyson. It was just that Harry and I,-"

"You don't need to explain yourself, Del," He said. "And, please don't cry. I have always hated to see you cry."

Just as I had went to open my mouth to speak, the sound of a slight cough beat me to it. Letting go of Greyson, I turned around to find Harry. Although his eyebrow was slightly raised, his face was not filled with anger or annoyance but rather understanding. He knew exactly how I felt about Greyson and the unfinished business that we had. And although the two have never met, he knew that.

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