Chapter XVI: Maps

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"Mom, you said that the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other." ~Anakin Skywalker


"Wait, a red cloak?" Something pricked Azalea's memory.

"Was there a person? Did someone take him?" Azalea hadn't realized Jatú was behind her until he spoke up, and Kylo tapped his fingers against where his lightsaber was hidden.

"I don't know, he just ran behind this cloak and..." she trailed off as her eyes landed on Kylo and then went quickly back to Azalea. "He disappeared. One second he was there and the next-" a shudder stopped her from continuing and her eyes became glassy. Azalea concentrated and stretched out with the force but couldn't sense the child anywhere.

"Ms. Gwyneth, We're going to-"

A hand gripped her shoulder so tightly that it hurt, and Kylo bent his head next to hers.

"We're going to have a conversation," he hissed into her ear. Azalea started shaking for two reasons. The first was that she was scared. But more importantly, she was livid. Deliberately slowly, she turned her head towards him and gave him a murderous glare that looked foreign on her soft features.

"You're right. Let's talk," she spit back lowly. Turning back to the crowd that was watching them, save for Gwyneth who was still trying to work out where Topher was, she put on a fake smile and spoke carefully. "Excuse my partner and I for a moment." Hastily, she turned and walked until she found a quiet side street, not bothering to see if Kylo followed, she knew he was there. The second she was out of sight of the crowds, her back was pushed forcefully into the sandstone wall and Kylo's head ducked next to her ear.

"Do you think me a fool, Azalea?"

"I've had ENOUGH!" She shoved at him forcefully but he barely moved, so she settled for talking to his ear instead of his face. "Your intimidation tactics can only go so far with me Kylo Ren." He backed up a bit at that so she could glare at him. "I don't care what you threaten me with. When my friends are in need, I will not abandon them. I'm going to find my childhood caretaker's grandson, with or without you. I promise you, I will not stop. I keep my promises, Kylo Ren." She hissed the last words out. Kylo narrowed his eyes at her and she found that she was still slightly shaking beneath him and hoped he didn't take it for fear.

"Are you quite finished?"

"Only if you let me help them. And if you don't-"

A deafening howl-like shriek interrupted Azalea, and she sunk to her knees, covering her ears. Kylo apparently heard it too, since he backed up and winced from the head-splitting sound. It wasn't affecting the people on the main street, Azalea noticed, someone was targeting only them.

Gradually, the sound lessened and faded into a more human sounding scream, and then a resonating female voice started laughing. It felt similar to Kylo's mind probing, but this was more like a shrill, ringing headache than an assault against her consciousness.

"I've been waiting for you, Master of the Knights of Ren." The voice laughed again, a low, mesmerizing sound sending a swirling fog over their thoughts, clouding and dizzying them. Azalea swayed as she tried to regain her thoughts, but the more she pushed, the dizzier she became.

"You two just can't get along, can you? Tsk tsk. And I thought you wanted to save your little friend, sweet flower. What a pity."

"Who are you?" Kylo asked both out loud and in his head and laughter resounded once more. The laughter quieted, and Azalea felt her mind being returned to her control, though the mystery woman held onto Kylo's still, and whispered only to him.

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