Chapter IX: Crossing Paths

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"May the force be with you" ~ A lot of people


The door to Azalea's cell slid open and two stormtroopers ushered her up and into a hallway that was not much more colorful than her cell had been. She studied the hallways as they pushed her down each one, searching for anything that might aid in her escape. The scenery was nothing impressive.

Closed door. Closed door. Side hallway with more closed doors. Escape pods...

She perked up a bit when she spotted those. When she slowed down so she could study their location and the area around them, she was rewarded with a sharp jab to her side from one of her noble escorts' blasters.

"Keep moving, resistance scum." She stumbled forward a bit when he pushed her.

"You stormtwerps are so unoriginal." she chuckled, "Do you know how many times I've been called 'scum' in the last 48 hours?"

"It seems you've found your words again, little one." Azalea was too caught up in her insult battle to recognize Kylo Ren's presence until he stepped out of a side hall and she heard his chilling, distorted voice. Now that she was beginning to formulate a plan, she was feeling like herself again.

"You know my name, why don't you use it, Ren?" The air around them went rigid and her escorts took a noticeable step away from the current subject of their master's fury. He took a step closer to her and lifted her chin with a gloved hand.

"Perhaps you would prefer 'scum' instead. Or maybe 'orphan', seeing as it will soon be a suitable description." The color drained from her face and he continued to scrutinize her. "I'm surprised that you didn't put up more of a fight where the future of the Resistance was concerned. Since you were so ready to betray your friends, you'll have a front row seat to witness the destruction of Takodana." Azalea felt her heart stop beating.


"You have a talent for blocking your mind, but I've visited Bakura, and I've been on Takodana. When you kept throwing muddied memories of both planets my way... do you take me for a fool, Azalea?"

She yanked her chin away from his hand, and he dragged her by the arm to the front of the ship. The black-clad captains and officers stood in front of their posts, checking monitors, recording data, and readying battle equipment. Azalea was shoved into the back wall and crowded by Kylo Ren. He grabbed her arm and pushed her back into the wall when she tried to move closer to the controls.

She would have admired the view of the galaxy from the large window in the captains room had she not been completely recalculating her thoughts. It couldn't just be an escape plan anymore, he knew. He's turned this into a war; she was going to sabotage the ship from the inside out. She knew that with this plan she might not get out alive... but she would rather go down with this ship than see everything she loved turn to ash.

She let the force flow freely through her now. It was a risk, especially with Kylo Ren standing so close to her, but she was willing to try anything to stop him. Watching the captains closely, Azalea stretched out with her feelings and searched for any weakness or vital part of the controls. When she thought she'd found one, she focused all of her energy on flipping the switch to lower the shields. It wasn't the main power reactor, but it would do for now.

The force is always moving, always making new paths, even when your situation seems hopeless. There will come a time when you'll have to fight big battles on your own. Don't be afraid little rebel, the force connects us. I'll be there to guide you.

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