Chapter X: Crash Landing

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The longing you seek is not behind you. It is in front of you. ~Maz Kanata


Azalea was faintly aware of a cold, weightless feeling as she started coming back into consciousness. She felt completely drained, though she wasn't sure why. It was freezing, she noticed, and the world around her was blurry. After blinking a few times to try and dispel the dizziness, the first thing she saw was white.

White ceiling.

It's so dark in here.

White interior.

She blinked a few more times and turned her head.


Kylo Ren had put his mask back on and was staring out the window at a tiny green and blue blur in the starfield. Azalea tried to sit up, but laid back down when she almost passed out from lightheadedness.

"Wh-" A dry cough erupted from her scratchy throat when she tried to speak. Swallowing to compose herself, she made another attempt. "What happened?" Her voice cracked on the last word from lack of moisture. Kylo Ren finally looked at her through the mask, and she shivered from the icy air.

"A sun void." She gazed at him skeptically through the dark.

"What?" Her head spun as she attempted sitting upright once more, and leaned against the wall. "Where are we?" He visibly stiffened. "You don't know."

"Quiet." He looked back out the window at the blue and green dot that was larger now. So they were moving. Towards whatever planet that was. "It wasn't a black hole. Not exactly." Azalea waited for him to explain, rubbing her dry, tired eyes. "When a sun dies, it implodes and becomes a small star. In the time between the sun collapsing in on itself and the reassembling of particles to become a star, a small singularity appears called a sun void." Azalea rubbed her arms and breathed out to try and dispel the unsettling chill.

"What does that mean?"

"It's like a black hole. Nothing escapes its pull, not even light. But its makeup is very different. It's why the escape pod lost power, and you feel drained." Azalea looked at him, and then to the planet that was no longer blurry, and was now very close. Trees, rivers, and other formations were now clearly in view.

"So what, it sucked us in, stole all our energy and then spit us out?"


"And now we're going to crash land because we have no power."

"How observant." She glared at his mask before looking back to the window. She could see the sun light just hitting the tops of the trees, bathing them in a golden hue and causing the rivers and lakes to shimmer. It looked more like a sunrise than a sunset with the way the colors seemed to be slowly getting brighter.

Kylo Ren grabbed a hold of the handle above his head, and Azalea did the same. The chill inside the pod had diminished and was replaced with soft warmth from the planets sun. The ground approached faster and faster, and then the pod was smashing into tree branches that left small scratches on the window and threw it left and right, jostling and bruising its contents.

At one point the end of Kylo's robes got wrapped around Azalea's face and she shook her head, strugging to shake the fabric off. As soon as she was able to untangle herself, she caught a glimpse out the window. There was a moment of suspended silence and open air. The branches had ceased their thwacking on the pod and the only things visible outside the window were the brown pine needles and green moss covering the ground... and then the silence shattered when they crashed.

Restoration of Light (Star Wars/Kylo Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora