Part One: The Princess of Garren

Start from the beginning

Saralynna couldn't help but wonder why anyone would want to be a princess; it was such hard work. She was only seventeen now, yet was expected so much. She also hated her deformed legs, wishing she could ride Sherly Su, or just run about in the gardens with a carefree air. The princess sighed, staring at her homework assignment, her quill resting above a delicate ear. Unable to think, Saralynna turned away from the large, opened textbook and the still blank parchment in front of her to stare out of the window. A look of longing came into her expression as she watched a little bird fly pass the bright orb of the sun and into a small gathering of trees. Suddenly, the girl heard a little knock at her room door and turned to watch as her lady-in-waiting, Lillyan, step in. The young woman was only three years older than her, and the two shared a wonderful friendship. Lillyan had pretty, red hair and lovely, grey eyes. She had the look of gentleness in her overall appearance. The young lady-in-waiting walked over to the princess, a quiet frown on her soft, little lips. Princess Saralynna tilted her head to the side slightly in confusion, brows knitted together in concern.
"What's the matter, Lady Lillyan?" she asked. Lady Lillyan gave a small sigh before speaking.
"I listened in on the king and queen's conversation just now, as you requested."
Saralynna perked up at these news. "What were they talking about?"

"You, Saralynna. They. . . ." Lillyan trailed off. Appearing more worried, Saralynna gestured to the bed with a hand. "Come, dear Lady Lillyan, please sit." The lady-in-waiting nodded, sitting down next to the princess.
"What were they saying about me?" Saraylnna wondered in a soft tone, as she looked at Lillyan. Lillyan was silent for a moment, but finally answered, with a hint of hesitation, the princess had noticed.
"They are hesitant to make you queen, when the time comes. Your father is very ill, and your mother has gone nearly mad. But both are convinced that they can cure you of your disability before you sit upon the throne. Until then, your father is working hard to stay on the throne, although he seems to not be getting any better. He look and sounds just awful, your poor father, Saralynna! And your mother. . . Oh, she has very much gone mad. I think she may be ill, as well. I've heard her mutter with uncertainty about maybe having to throw you out of the kingdom, if a cure for you isn't found. It's just all so horrible, Princess Saralynna!"

Princess Saralynna sat there for a moment, taking in what her lady-in-waiting and friend told her. The king may be dying, and the queen had lost her wits. In fact, it would seem that both of them had lost their wits! The princess knew why: they had a difficult time accepting her deformed, broken legs. She looked down at her legs angrily for a moment. Ugly things, she thought to herself. If I hadn't been born like this. . . .
But the thought trailed off. She couldn't blame herself, no more than a tiny kitten couldn't blame itself for being the runt of a litter. After all, she didn't make a rule stating that a person with a deformity of any kind was to be kicked out of the gates to live on their own, outside of the kingdom. If they were to try to come back, then they would be executed. The king and queen were the ones who made this awful rule. Her own parents. Saralynna was only fortunate because she was of royal blood and the heir to the throne. But her parents were somehow convinced that they could "cure" her of something she had been born with. She shook her head at the foolishness. Why were they so daft to think that? But Princess Saralynna couldn't help but to wonder if there was something out there that could magically get rid of the disability in her legs, allowing her to walk for the first time. Just the thought of it made her smile a bit. She then paused when a thought came to her. Maybe there was something. . . . .

"Lady Lillyan," she spoke, staring at her good friend with a look of newfound hope and excitement in her eyes, "remember that story you used to tell me about the knowledgeable wizard, Taarok?"

Lillyan nodded. "Of course I do, Saralynna. But you should know---everybody knows---that it isn't just a story! Taarok lives far on top of the High Peak Mountains. No-one knows what he looks like, but only know he does exist. He has saved this kingdom on a rare occasion, many years ago, as it is told. But now he keeps to himself." Princess Saralynna nodded. There was a way, then. She would travel through the lands and reach the High Peak Mountains to speak to Taarok. Maybe he could help. Either way, the princess was determined to show her mother and father that she was not helpless. That, even with such useless, broken legs, she could rule this kingdom. And I shall be sure to change that ridiculous rule about those who are like me. . . . she thought to herself. But first, she had to prove herself.

Lady Lillyan was stunned when the princess told her what she planned to do. And, no matter how hard she tried to persuade Saralynna not to do this, it was no use. Her friend was set in her ways. Sighing, Lillyan gave in, listening to Saralynna's plan.
"You're going to help me sneak out tonight," she was saying. "Get Sherly Su in here. I will be riding him to the mountains."
"Will I be coming with you?"
The princess shook her head sadly. "No, I must do this alone. The mountains aren't too far from here, and I believe I'll be just fine. I can take care of myself, you know, despite my legs."
She smiled for her friend, who returned the smile, but still felt quite worried.
"But what about the king and queen? They will worry and look for you." Lady Lillyan pointed out, a last attempt to change the young princess's mind. But the dear, stubborn princess still would not be swayed.
"Let them worry, and let them look. Perhaps if they accepted the way I was born in the first place, then they wouldn't have to do either." Saralynna replied, a hint of coldness in her voice.

Lillyan paused, then nodded wordlessly. Saralynna was right. "But," she said, "isn't the whole point of this journey is to. . . . heal your legs?"
Princess Saralynna frowned, thinking. Was that really the point of the journey, other than to get out of the kingdom and give proof of her strength to the king and queen? What exactly was she hoping this powerful and wise old wizard could do for a little, raven-haired seventeen-year old princess such as herself? Sighing a little, she turned to look at the redhead lady-in-waiting, smiling a little.
"I guess I'll have to find that out when I meet Taarok."
Lillyan smiled back.

The princess had went about her studies and her day. Excited to leave that very night, she found it difficult to focus on anything but the journey that waited for her. She spent most of her time lost in thought, wondering what the wizard looked like. Was he a wizened old man, or actually a squirrel? The princess had to hold back a laugh at the thought of seeking help from a little furry animal.

As the day drew to a close, Saralynna felt more and more restless to leave. She had been fidgeting slightly during the dinner table, though the queen said nothing of it (the king had retired to bed early; he was quite ill). Finally finished with her meal, the princess announced that she was tired and wished to go to bed. Queen Adalynn looked to the strong, burly guard standing by expectantly, and he obediently and silently walked over to pick up Saralynna and carry her to her bedroom. Once the man had brought her into her bed and pulled up the covers to her chin before leaving, Saralynna laid there in the quiet dark, waiting for her dear friend to come with her horse.

With the castle completely silent, Lady Lillyan managed to sneak the princess's horse into her room. The redhead lady-in-waiting then helped Princess Saralynna onto the sleek horse's back before leading him by the reigns out of the castle. Sherly Su was a very well-behaved little beast and quite loyal to the princess, so Lillyan was not surprised when he automatically followed with a calm air, as if he understood the situation. Lillyan bid farewell to Saralynna, telling her to come back soon and to stay safe. It wasn't long until the princess was galloping out into the night, heading towards the big, looming mountains.
"You will see, Mum and Dad," she said to herself. "I will make you both proud."
Princess Saralynna knew her parents seemed so horrible, but if she could just show them how brave and non-helpless she could be, then maybe they would change their minds. It's worth a try, she thought to herself.

The journey was quiet, and a refreshing, cool breeze caressed Princess Saralynna's hair. The silver disk of the moon hid shyly behind dark clouds, but the stars showed themselves proudly to the world, twinkling brightly on the dark blue canvas of the sky. The High Peak Mountains seemed to loom closer the more Saralynna reached them.

She felt afraid, but also determined. Finally, she paused when she reached the side of the mountains. Curious-looking steps led up to the top where the wizard surely stayed. Taking a deep breath, she had Sherly Su climb the steps to the top. And there, on one of the tallest peaks of the mountains, lay an old, sleeping dragon.

Princess Saralynna Where stories live. Discover now