true friends

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Friends come and go, but a true friendship last forever. What makes a true friend? A true friend will be by side till the very end. I think a true friend is a special someone that is always honest. A true friend should be someone who has a shoulder to cry on, and is a positive influence on your life.

Honesty is important to any relationship, especially friend ship. If you can’t tell your deepest darkest secrets to your “Bestie”, because you are afraid the will tell the world, then they are defiantly not your true friend. Honesty is a way to let your friends know that they can trust them.

That shoulder they have is to cry on. And it’s all ways going to be there if they are your true friend. When your heart gets broken time after time, that shoulder will still be there. Your true friend should be there to support you not hurt you, which is why if you can go to your friend when you have a problem then they are not you true friend.

Are they positive or negative influences? Dump the negative, because you are not going to get anywhere hang out with him/her. If they are positive then they won’t peer peruse you in to doing things that you don’t want to do. Plus if they are good influences they could help you go where you want to go in life.

True friend are there to support you, be honest with you, and to be positive. Maybe you could be a true friend to some.

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