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Not all teenagers are lazy, dishonest and uninterested in hard work or anything that involves a personal sacrifice. I know lots of teens that are extremely honest, not lazy, and do hard work often.

Teenagers who don’t sit in front of the TV for hours are usually working at a job. That’s hard work, and they are giving up time they could be sitting in front the TV playing video games. Most teenagers that work hard and get good grades are honest. They will tell the truth, because they are doing well, there is nothing to lie about. The teens that work hard usually don’t do drugs or drink lots of alcohol. These teens also seem to excises more too, they are not going to be obese because they want to look good when working. Some tens are indented and are responsible enough to make these important choices because they want a good life.

Not all teenagers are lazy, dishonest and uninterested in hard work or anything that involves a personal sacrifice. Teenagers can be responsible enough to be a good teenager.

Quick facts

By age 4, kids want to be thin

At age 12 girls won’t risk exposing

By age 15, many girls react to constant teasing and harassment about their bodies with binge eating and weight loss

Boys also feel pressure to be thin tall and muscular

That is so sad, i love the way i look because i do something healthy that makes me , me! I can look at my body and say I am beautiful, most people that are skinny like me say they are fat...why can't the accept the fact that every body is different. I you say you are fat, but you eat like a pig than, do something about. To me, i don't care what you look like, everbody is beautiful in their own way. (well sometime i am pressured to judge people because of my friends.)

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