the real story of Hansel and Gretel( witch's pov)

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Sometimes I think that those little brats, Hansel and Gretel, purposely made it look like I was torturing them. Well let me tell you, they were way off.  People describe me as an ugly witch, truth is, I don’t look that bad. Long silky black hair, white skin, coral lips . The real story goes like this…

One morning I find myself face to face, with two little children. Two little children were stuffing their faces, with my candy house! I didn’t like that at all! I was kind of disappointed that little kids would just march right in, and start eating my candy house. I looked deeply at the children and asked them to take a seat in my graham cracker chair and explain why they were eating my candy house.

“We didn’t know that someone was living here.” Gretel said rudely

“Yeah we didn’t know.” Mimicked Hansel

‘’Ha…Ha, what else would live in a house.” I informed them

                        After that nice remark, the children got up, and started to run around in my fragile candy house. I exercise every morning, so I thought that chasing them wasn’t going to be hard. Well those kids were very fast, they were tricky too.   They would hide in really good hiding places.  Then I trapped them in the kitchen, in front of the oven, they had nowhere to go. There was a wall blocking the left, and a wall blocking the right.  I blocked them from escaping, but those kids opened the oven and pushed me in .Trust me, that was not a soft landing. Having bars coated in soot implanted on your forehead is not what I call fun. Then the kids grabbed a chair; they had trouble because it was heavy, but still managed and put it under the handle of the stove. To tell you the truth the trick actually worked, I was locked in my own stove, how sad. Luckily I had my cellphone so I called my friend, told her I was locked in my stove. Well, she laughed at me but said she would be over soon. Finally I was spat out of the oven .Surprised; my friend pointed and laughed once again. So I told her about the kids, and in mid-sentence I realized they were gone. Relief came upon me right away; I hope that they wouldn’t come to my candy house again. That was the highlight of my day.

            Now you know the real story, spread it around. I want everyone to know those kids were lying.

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