Random poems by me

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Dream Catchers

Dream catchers don’t work

Creepy faces still show up

Spooky eyes still glow

Ode to lip gloss

Oh how I love my non-strawberry lip gloss!

Without it, I would be lost.

Every five minutes it evenly coats my lips,

And these are the reasons I do this:

The non-strawberry flavour smells so good,

Just like a non - strawberry would and should!

*Wink wink*

It gives my lips a pearly shimmer,

Lip-gloss on my tongue it tastes divine!

Not that I have tried.

 Lip gloss blends in; you can’t make a mistake,

 I assume that my lips are better than any others.

 My Lip gloss is easy to carry around all day

It sits in my pocket, safe and sound from lip-gloss stealers

And when my lips are feeling bare or chapped

I know that it loyally still is there.

And when I am sitting, bored in class,

Not listening, unlike the teachers ask,

I pull out my lip gloss and start to apply

Pretending my lips are extremely scaled,

Yes, lip gloss is of all the most amazing invention,

Tasting as sweet as all kinds of confections

 Every girl should wear it upon their lips,

Those were reasons for doing this.


A serious man in a red hat

Know that he is a funny brat

He works for the Green Queen

He threw some Chow Mein

He ran away like a wharf rat

I would rather…

I rather live my darkest nightmares,

I rather drown in a pool of lava,

I rather fight cancer, and lose all my precious hair,

I rather read a book,

I rather be burnt for head to toe,

I rather be executed, be thousands of watts,

I rather be that frog, that grade 11 dissect,

I rather be left in a burning building,

I rather befriend my enemies,

Than sit in social studies class.

If I were in charge of the world

I'd make people eat candy all the time

make school disapear,

make every day halloween.

If I were in charge of the world

There'd be more bunnies,

more candy,

and more smiling faces.

If I were in charge of the world

You wouldn't own a cat

You wouldn't be able to swim in cold water

You wouldn't be any homework

Or blue cheese

 If only, I was in charge of the world.

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