16. I'm Cleaning ~Hailey~

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Gray and Miss West! Get out from under the table!" Mrs. Stone looked extremely mad at this point. "What did you two do?"

We both stood up, "I'm sorry it was an accident, it was-"

"My fault," Mason said. "I poured in the wrong one. I'm sorry Mrs. Stone." She lets out a sigh.

"You almost burned down the classroom. You two clean up this mess," she said gesturing to the classroom. "And both of you clean my class every morning for this week. Starting tomorrow." She hands us brooms, "Class dismissed." The bell rang.

Everyone walked out, except for us. I did as I was told and start sweeping. "You don't have to clean it," Mason said taking my broom.

"You know it was me who made this mess. So, I'll clean it." I tried to take the broom back but he held it higher so that I couldn't reach it. "Hey! Give it back!"



"Why should I?"

"Because I'm cleaning the class."

"Then I'll help you." He said, already cleaning up the mess. "We'll do it together, teamwork makes a dream work." I chuckled and then we cleaned up everything. Mrs. Stone said that we can skip the next period, cleaning her class. That's the greatest news ever because I have IT. You know with who.

The bell rang and Mason walked me to my next class. "You really shouldn't have, but thank you," I said, stopping at my class.

"No problem, I had fun cleaning with you. I'll see you later?" I nod.

"Me too, see you." He waved and walked on. I took my seat next to Skyler. "Hey."

"Hey! So are you feeling better? Where were you in the previous period? Sam didn't stop asking me where you were. Oh goodness, he's so annoying. I heard from Miles that Mason wasn't at History as well. So I thought you guys were probably together. Am I right?" She really rushed out every word. I nod.

"Yeah, we had some cleaning up to do. Wait, did you say Sam?" She nods. "Ugh, what did he want?" She shrugged.

"The guy was a bit worried. I mean he never, like ever talk to me. I thought that he wanted something from me, you know what I mean, but he was looking for you. I thought Miles said that you guys are like arch enemies. Are you? I mean Miles, wait did you talk to Miles today? Was he mean to you? I-"

"My brother forbid me to be near Miles. I guess that Sam and I are acquaintances."

"You mean friends? How can you be friends with him? He's-he's a... really awful person Hailey."

"He isn't that bad, you don't know him." Even I don't know Sam that well. Actually, I don't know a thing about him. He's like a total stranger.

"Well, I know him long enough to know that he is bad news. I'm just saying that it isn't a good idea to be around him. He breaks girls' hearts." Yeah, that I saw with my own eyes. He doesn't care about girls. I mean he has his own fan club. Girls praise the ground he walks on. Stupid idiots.

"I understand." The bell rang.

"You're coming home with me. How does that ice-cream sound?" I smile.

"Sounds perfect."

Skyler is lucky enough to have a car. Let me correct it, a car ride. Meaning she rides with her brother. Oh, that's nothing, Mason didn't know that I would be riding with them. Who's Mason's best friend? You guessed it. Miles. Who's riding in the same car as him? Right again. Me. Who's also going to their house? Ding ding! Miles.

"Sky maybe we can do this, this weekend at my house?"

"Honey, are you sure?" I nod. "No, I'll let him get shotgun and we'll get the backseats. I'll make sure that he isn't anywhere near you like you promised your brother."

I agreed to it. I had to. Who can say no to those puppy eyes? I mean one pout and I'm out. She can really convince you into doing something. No wonder her brother listens to her. What did he do? He went for a run with Miles so that we can get to their house without any drama.

I am proud to say, that even though I lost one best friend I made two new best friends. Two who I can say did everything to please and help me.

And if I had to admit it, I think I might have a tiny crush. That's all.


Who of you guys guessed that they're twins????

Who of you guys guessed that they're twins????

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