Chapter 9

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Harry p.o.v
Fred and Gorge looked at me. Then they both hugged me. I cuddled up to them, then gorge said, "we need to go to Dumbldore about this."
"No. We don't need to worry him. I'll be fine." I said and pulled away from them.
Fred then said, "but Harry. She used a blood quill on you. That is very dangerous. It can hurt you Harry. More then it already has.
I sighed and said, "let's just go to bed. We can talk more about this in the morning." I then crawled into bed and covers up. Fred and George joining me after a few seconds. All of us cuddling.

In the morning we got ready to go and George said, "we should go see Dumbldore."
I shook my head. Dumbldore had not paid any attention to me. I am sure he will not care. "I don't want to." I said and pouted.
"How about Professer McGonagall?" Fred asked.
"Fine." I mumbled.
We then went to her office just as she was walking out. "Good morning boys. What can I do for you." She asked.
George made me show her my hand and she gasped. "Harry how did this happen?" She asked.
"Umbitch." Gorge almost growled.
McGonagall had us go into her office and sit down.
"Now. I am going to get Snape so he can give an healing potion to Harry." Mcgonagals said and walked out. When she came back Snape is with her and he gave me a potion to put on my hand. "Okay. I'll have your detintion transfer to be held with me. And as an apology I will allow you to play quidich."
"Thank you " I said.
"Are you sure about this? We should go to Dumbldore." Snape said and looked at my slowly healing hand.
"No. I am sure he would not do anything." I said and looked at a wall.
"Harry we have to. You may think he is ignoring you but I am sure that he has good reasons." Mcgonagal said.
I then said, "well Umbitch may get out of it with the ministry help."
"Mr. Potter I think is right. How about we all go get breakfast and just be more careful." Snape said.
We nodded and headed to the great hall Fred and Gorge protectively by my side. "Well look at the bright side. Your on the team again." Fred said trying to cheer me up.
I just stayed silant as we sat down at our normal spots.

Fred p.o.v
I frowned thinking about how to cheer Harry up. Ron looked at us and said, "are you all okay?"
"We're fine." Gorge said in thought. We began to slowly eat as Hermione said, "what took you three so long?"
"We had to speak to Ms. Mcgonagall." Harry answerd.
"About what." Draco asked.
"Umbitch used a blood quill." George said and Harry showed then his hand.
"Bloody hell that bitch!" Ron yelled.
"Yell a little louder Ron. I think you missed a few people in Durmstrang." I said sarcasticly.
"And you did not tell Dumblyduck about this?" Draco asked.
"Harry did not want to." Gorge replied.
"Who cares about what Harry wants? Don't answer that. What about what is good for Harry? We need to tell Dumbldore about this so he can get her fired. Or better yet Azcaban since this is illeagle." Hermione said.
Harry sighed and said, "the ministry appointed her. So I don't think they would do anything. And I don't feel like talking to Dumbldore."
"Well we got some good news." Gorge said.
"Yah Harry is back on the team." I said excitedly.
"Good. Now I have a worthy aponit. Though I was wanting to defet you Griffindorks." Draco said and smiled.
We said nothing and it was time to go to classes.

After classes we met at the library and done our homework. Harry seemed happier though which made me and Gorge happier.
Hermione then slammed down three books onto the table. "This is a book on Veela." Hermione said handing Ron and Draco a book. "A book on Griffin blood." She said handing us a book. "And me a good book to read." Hermione said sitting back.
As we read through the book we learned nothing new. Just the same thing. Only adding in some events that have occured with Griffin blood.
When we finished Draco and Ron just finished there book.

George p.o.v
Once we finished we went to dinner and ate in silance. Me and fred will glance at each other I am sure thinking the same thing. Why is Harry staying silant. We looked over at the teacher table and every thing seems fine up there. Then when we were done Harry went to detention with McGonagall as me and Gorge went to the common room.
"George we have still not talked to Ginny about what she has said." Fred told me.
I sighed and said, "well she has not said anything else, and Harry does not really want us to do anything. So let's just wait."
Fred nodded and said, "when should we mate with harry?"
I though for a moment and said, "when he is ready."
Harry then came in so we got ready for bed and fell asleep cuddling eachother.

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