Chapter 5

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Gorge p.o.v
Me Fred and Harry found a book on Griffin blood and began reading. "So all of this we already know." Fred said.
We then found the mating chapter. Harry blushed and I said, "well let's began reading."
We continued reading and when we were done Harry said, "this sounds strange. I mean we need to take turns having sex with each other in the same room."
"Yes. Like me with you, then Fred with you. Then me and Fred. I mean sounds fun." I said and laughed.
"I just want to know why are marks are not the colors that they will change to. Green submissive, blue sub-dominate then, red dominate " Harry said frowning.
Fred hugged him and said, "maybe because we need to fall into the rule. Even thought we already know the sub."
Harry nodded and cuddled to Fred. I began petting him and he purred rubbing his head against my hand.
Mom then called us down stairs for dinner.

The next day we have to go to diagon ally to get our school things. Me and Fred though decided that we are going to go and get Harry new clothes. Ron and Hermione decided to tag along.

Harry p.o.v
When we walked in Fred and Gorge talked to the sales lady, who had me stand on a stool and got me sized. She then led us to the cloths that are all in my size and they began picking out clothes. I even noticed Gorge grab an out fit but did not let us see and went to pay as Fred had me go to the fitting room to try on clothes.

When we finished getting everything we went back to Grimluald place and George won't tell me what he got. Just that it is a surprise for much later.
So we just dropped it and got ready to go to Hogwarts tomorrow.

The next day every thing was in chaos. Everyone was making sure that last minute things were gotten. We then apparated to platform 9 3/4.
We then gotten a compartment and sat down. Me inbetween Fred and George, Hermione and Ron across from us.

Ginny p.o.v
I walked past Harry's compartment and he is sitting between my brothers cuddling them. I went to the Slytherin part of the train and found Malfoy with his two friends Parkasen and Zabani.
I went over and sat down. "What do you want Weasly?" Malfoy asked.
"I just wanted to let you know that Harry and Ron are fagots and Harry is  a whore who is dating my brother's Fred and George and that Fred and George are even dating each other." I said looking at my nails.

Draco p.o.v
I am really ticked off. This she weasel came in here and insulted my mate and his friends. "And what is wrong with being gay? Me and my friends are. In for your information. It's okay for Potter to date the twins. It's normal with mates. So back of Weasly!" I said.
She scoffed and left. "Wait so you weren't kidding about your mate?" Pansy who is a vampire said.
"No. Now you two should go find your mate. I'll go to mine." I said.
They nodded and left as I went to Ron.

Fred p.o.v
Malfoy came in and sat next to Ron. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry said hate lacing his words.
"Well Potter. Weaslet is spreading about you and Ron being gay and saying you are a whore." Malfoy said.
"I can not believe this! I am going yo talk to her." I said and got up.
"Wait Fred. Now is not a good time. I am sure that no one will believe her any way." Harry said grabbing my arm. Harry then turned to Malfoy and said, "why are you telling us this anyway Malfoy?"
"Two reasons. One because I believe that what she is saying is wrong. Two. Ron is my soulemate." He said.
We all looked at Ron who is sitting there in shock. "What are you?" Ron asked.
"Submissive Veela. My parents know about you being my mate and accept. Mostly because I can still have heirs. But I understand if you want to reject me." Malfoy said and looked at his lap.
Parkasen and Zabani then came by and Zabani said, "ginny has told every one. No one thinks it's bad though because they think that Harry is there soulemate or something. And no one really cares about Ron being gay."
"Okay. Did you two find your soulemate?" Malfoy asked.
"Yes I got Luna." Parkasen said.
"Neville." Zabani said.
"Okay you two go back to them I'll stay here for a bit." Malfoy said and they left.
"Your submissive?" Harry said.
Malfoy nodded and said, "you are to I bet."
Harry nodded and Ron said, "well. I guess I'll accept being your mate."
Malfoy smiled and hugged him. "Thank you so much Ron." He then backed off and said, "I am sorry about how I was mean to you guys. I did not really mean any thing I said. And I did not realize how bad the word mudblood was."
"It's okay Malfoy." Hermione said.
Harry nodded and said, "yah it's fine. So friends?" And he held out his hand.
Him and Malfoy shook hands and I said, "when we get to Hogwarts I'll talk to Ginny."
They nodded and George said, "not long now."
And we stopped at Hogwarts.

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