Chaper 4

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Gorge p.o.v
Me and Fred woke up together but this time without Harry. We got up and ready for the day and in the living room Harry and Ron are arguing.
"You don't just put a sock in someone's moth because they are snoring! That is wrong!" Ron yelled at Harry.
Me and Fred walked up and I said, "who's sock was it?"
"Ron's." Harry said and smiled.
We laughed and Ron shook his head saying, "I think Harry has spent to much time with you two."

After breakfast Harry left with our dad to the ministry. So me and Fred went to our room and began more experiments.
"So Fred. Do you think Harry can fly?" I asked Fred.
"Of course he can George. He has wings. Though he may need to learn first." Fred said thoughtfully.
We heard the door open and close loudly so we went out and Harry stormed into his and Ron's room. Me and Fred looked at each other and we walked in quietly. "Harry you okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine. Just a little mad." Harry replied.
"What's the matter Harry?" Fred asked sitting down next to him and hugging him.
"Dumbldore. He was there. And he did not even acknowledge me." Harry said.
"Maybe he is busy." I said.
"Yah with moldywart he must be." Fred said.
Hermione and Ron walked in and sat on the bed across from us. I began running my fingers through Harry's hair and he began purring and rubbing against me.
"So we we're thinking about teaching you how to fly Harry." Fred said.

Harry p.o.v
I stopped rubbing against George and said, "really? That will be fun."
"And were will he learn this?" Hermione asked.
"Out back. It's almost dark we can use glamors and there is some woods." Fred said.
"Well let's go ask Remus and the others." Ron said and we got up and found the adults.
"Hey Remus can we go out back and learn to fly in my Griffin form?" I asked.
They thought for a moment and Remus said, "not right now Harry. How about you all go to your room. We have a meeting." The adults then went into another room so we went to the living room and sat down.
"So then what will we do now?" I asked.
We sat in silence for a moment when Fred and George both started grinning. The both stood up and said. "Get up you all we have and idea."
"I'm scared." Ron said.
I just smiled and said, "don't worry i trust them."
"Well yeah your there mate." Hermione said.
They then called in some elf named kreacher. "What do you want blood traitors and mudblood?"
"We would like for you to remove the furniture!" Both the twins said. The elf thought for a moment then snapped his fingers removing himself and all the furniture. 
"Now you can change into your Griffin form and try flying in here." Gorge said.
"That was a great idea." Hermione said impressed.
I ran up to my room striped and changed form. I then ran back down stairs and nuzzled both Fred and George. They pet me as I stepped back and spread my wings. Which only does not touch the wall by a few inches.
"Now flap." Hermione said.
I flapped a little making some dust kick up. I then began to flap harder and I gave a small jump and I hovered over the ground. I began to flap harder making myself go higher. "Good job Harry!" Both my mates yelled.
I then gave another strong flap and hit the ceiling making me fall. Ow. I thought and shook my head.
"Harry are you okay?" Fred and Gorge asked and began petting me.
I nodded as the adults and Ginny came in. "What is going on?" Ms. Weasly asked.
"We are teaching Harry to fly." Ron said.
I stood up and nodded. "Harry you know you can get hurt." Remus said.
I huffed and spread my wings again. Fred ran his fingers through my wing causing me to shiver a bit.
"Well I am going to go and start on dinner. How about you put the furniture back and go do something." Ms. Weasly said and went to the kitchen Ginny fallowing.
Kreacher put the furniture back and Hermione said. "I have an idea. Let's go to the library and learn more on Griffin blood."
I huffed and gave her my best. 'seriously?' look.
"Come on Hermione that's boring."
"Let's do something else." The twins said. 
Hermione glared at us and said, "we need to know more on Harry's Griffin thing. It's important. I mean what if we don't know something and hurt him in accident. You two don't want that do you?"
The twins both nodded and said, "fine."
So we went up stairs and I went back into my and Ron's room to change. Then I met the others in the library.

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