Chapter 9: Cone Bra Cupid

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 “I think we need to talk about sex,” says Liam. A shower of glitter rains down on his face.

            Louis blinks once, and then gingerly lowers himself into the fluffy pink chair, making a cloud of glitter puff up around his thighs. “I…why…what are you wearing?”

            Liam looks down at his bright pink blazer with some surprise. “It’s Valentine’s Day! Pink is a tradition!”

            “Your shirt is flashing.”

            “Oh, yeah.” Liam pats the LED lights stitched into the shape of a heart on his chest. “I made it myself, isn’t it festive? Wait, wait.” His happy grin slides into a reluctant frown. “Stop trying to change the subject.”

            “From what? Sex?” Louis flags a passing waiter down, steadfastly ignoring the pink tiara perched in his dark curls. “I’ll take a bottle of champagne, the most expensive kind you’ve got.He’s paying.”

            “I am?”

            “Of course you are. As you said, it’s Valentine’s Day. You wouldn’t make me pay for our meal on Valentine’s Day, would you, Liam?” Louis bats his eyelashes a bit, bites his lower lip into a pitiful pout.

            Liam looks upset. “Of course not, no, I’ll pay, I- stop changing the subject!”

            “Okay, Liam.” Louis looks down at his empty plate, with is currently covered by a shimmery pink napkin folded into the shape of an origami swan. “You want to talk about sex.”

            “Yes.” Liam steeples his fingers in front of him, looking utterly serious. “I think this is a discussion we need to have.”

            Louis rolls his eyes and flattens the swan with the heel of his palm. “Is this about who’s going to top? That seems a little forward of you when we haven’t even held hands yet.”

            “No, it’s not. Though for the record, it would be me.”

            Louis leans forward, delighted. “Liam. You really think you’d be the dominant one here?”

            “Just because you’re mouthy-“

            “There’s no just about it-“

            “Your champagne, sirs.” The waiter sets a clear bottle in a crinkled pink foil wrapper on the table along with two frosted glasses. “Enjoy.”

            “Thank you,” says Liam, and reaches for the glasses as Louis attacks the cork. He’s just set the cups at their respective places when Louis lifts the bottle to his lips and sucks down a few gulping mouthfuls.

            “Table manners, Louis,” says Liam reproachfully. Louis ignores him in favor of taking a few more gulps, the last of which is marred somewhat by a spray of glitter that hits Louis directly in the mouth.

            Louis swallows his last, admittedly crunchy, mouthful before scrubbing the back of his hand across his mouth and making a face as he passes the bottle to Liam. “What the hell?”

            “Glitter cannons!” says Liam excitedly, and yes, now that Louis is looking he can see them lining the ceiling like rows of particularly glamorous soldiers, occasionally shooting a concentrated jet of sequins into an unsuspecting diner’s face. “Aren’t they cool?”

            “Cool wasn’t the word I was thinking off.” Louis brushes glitter off of his plate. “Never mind that. Why did you want to talk about sex?”

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