Chapter 8: The One With the Nipple Holes

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 “Hey listeners. This is Grimmy speaking, and you’re listening to AAB Radio 2. That was “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel, and before that we had some good old Springsteen with “Streets of Fire”, “Light my Fire” by the Doors, and “St. Elmo’s Fire” by my old pal John Parr. Coming up next will be “Jump Into The Fire” by Henry Nilsson. Stay warm, New York!”

            “I’m noticing a bit of a common theme to these songs,” says Louis. He looks up from the radio to catch the eyes of the half-naked girl sitting quietly across the table from him. “Aren’t you?”

            She coughs a bit, adjusts the towel pulled tight across her chest. “Erm. Yes, I suppose.”

            Louis twists the dial to turn down the volume and then sits back, leveling the girl with a stare. “So. Tell me about yourself.”

            “I’m…a Pisces.”

            “Ahh, yes. The noble fish.”

            The hair slung over her shoulder is slowly dripping onto the table, the soaking blonde-dyed tips releasing sporadic splashes of water. “My favorite color is blue?”

            “That was very hesitant, love. Say it with more conviction.”

            “My favorite color is blue.”

            “C’mon now. Like you mean it.”

            “My favorite color is- Niall!”

            “I’m all for creativity, but I’m fairly sure Niall isn’t a color-“

            A hand clamps down on his shoulder, and Louis looks up to see the blonde-haired boy standing over him, wearing a pair of boxers and a frown.

            “Oh. Niall!”

            “Louis,” says Niall. “Why the hell are you here?”

            “Nice to see you too,” says Louis. “How come you didn’t tell me you had a girl?” His eyes lands on the teeth marks scored into the flesh at Niall’s throat. “A girl who bites.”

Niall glances over at Pisces, and they exchange a silent conversation through eyebrows. Louis wants to coo. They’re so…relationshippy. “Louis…you do realize it’s-“ he shoots a glance at the clock glowing on the microwave- “six thirty in the fucking morning?”

            “Six twenty-seven, actually.” Louis gestures to the wireless radio sitting in front of him. “Pisces and I were just listening to a bit of fine music.”

            “I’m only here because I walked in after my shower and I had to sit down so you wouldn’t see any more than you were supposed to, this is a short towel,” says Pisces. “And I do have a name, you know.”

            “As much as I admire your modesty and virtue, I’m sorry to say that I’m probably the last one you have to worry about ogling your nasty girl bits.”


            “What? Vaginas are gross.” Louis’ head jerks up, and he slaps one hand across Niall’s chest (he can’t quite reach his mouth from this angle) and uses the other one to twist the dial up while gesturing frantically to Pisces. “Shh, he’s talking again!”

            “I wasn’t even-“


            Niall gives a heavy sigh and pads around the table to stand behind Pisces as Nick fucking Hipster Radio DJ Grimshaw starts talking again.

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