The Flirty One

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Aphmaus' P.O.V
I wake up to the sound of my something hitting the floor downstairs. I sit up, trying to shake out of my state of sleepiness. "Katelyn? Kawaii~chan? What was that?"
"APH THE WHITE HAIRED BOY IS BACK AND HEA FLIRTING WITH ME!" Katelyn yells upstairs. I get up and head out of my room. I lean over the railing and see a white haired boy laying on the floor, his eyes closed.
"C-come on Katelyn.. it's only been like a few months since I've seen you." He says, laughing a bit. I hurry downstairs and help him up.
"It's good to see you Travis." I say, smiling a bit.
"Pretty angel as always Aphmau." He says, kissing my cheek. I laugh a bit.
"Ugh Travis." Katelyn says, rolling her eyes. "Can you not flirt on everyone in this household?"
"I haven't flirted with everyone in this household. I haven't flirted with Kawaii~chan yet." Travis remarks. "I can do that now if you want."
"Travis..." Katelyn says, almost sounding like she is growling.
"Alright alright no fighting you two." I say in my motherly voice. "If you keep fighting neither or you will get dessert."
"Sorry mom." They both say in unison, laughing a bit afterwards.
"Wait who's mom is here?" Kawaii~chan asks from the top of the stairs. "Oh hello Travis~Kun!" She says, smiling a bit.
"Hey my sexy Mewfia." He says, winking at her. Kawaii~chan rolls her eyes. "There I flirted with all of you."
"Travis." Katelyn growls.
"So why are you here Travis?" I ask
"Well I don't know, I wanted to hang out with you guys. Plus I was visiting Dante and those guys and they told me you guys lived here now. It's been like a month since I've seen you guys."
"Yeah. It was at the restaurant Kawaii~chan and Katelyn~sama used to work at right!" Kawaii~chan says, walking downstairs.
"Well it's nice to see you. We should all go out and do something since you are here." I say.
"Dante did mention something about ice skating." Travis says. "You gals wanna come?"
"I mean I don't hate ice skating." Katelyn says, smiling a bit.
"Is that a yes?" Travis says, having and expression of half shock and half amazement on his face.
"Sure. As long as Aphmau comes." Katelyn says.
"Kawaii~chan do you wanna come?" I ask. She shakes her head.
"Sorry Travis~Kun. Kawaii~chan isn't feeling that great." Kawaii~chan says.
    "Oh don't worry. Get some rest." He says, smiling.
    "Thank you." She says, heading back into her room.
    "Well I'll go get Dante and you girls get ready." Travis says. He walks out of the house, shutting the door behind him.
    "I'm only going because I like ice skating, not because I like Travis." Katelyn says. I giggle a bit.
     "Sure. You gotta admit Travis is nice though." I say.
     "He's a pervert and weird." Katelyn says. "But I guess he is kinda nice."
      "Let's go get ready." I say, hurrying up the stairs and into my room. I put on some jeans and a black cat sweatshirt. I put my hair up in a pony tail and slip some gloves into my pocket. I apply my usual makeup and then walk downstairs. Katelyn walked out the same time as me. We both giggle.
   "We are heading out Kawaii~chan." I call. "You sure you don't wanna come?"
    "I'm sure Aphmau~Senpai." Kawaii~chan says.
    "Alright." I say, then walk outside with Katelyn. Travis was leaning up against his car. Dante was standing next to him.
    "Hey girls! Glad you could join us." Dante says, smiling.
     "Thanks for inviting us." Katelyn says, smiling a bit. We all get into the car. I was in the back with Dante, Travis was driving, and Katelyn was in the passenger seat.
    "Wait didn't you fail your driving test Travis?" Katelyn asks.
     "That was when I was 16. I passed it the second time. I'm a great driver." Travis says.
     "Irene help us." I joke and everyone laughs. We pull out of the driveway and  start to drive. Travis turns on the radio and we all just go off into our own little worlds. After about a minute, Dante breaks the silence.
    "Well this is depressing. So Travis do you work anywhere?"
     "Well, I have a couple jobs right now. Just trying to save up money." Travis replies.
     "That's like what I'm doing." Katelyn says.
     "Aph what are you doing for a living?"
    "Oh I just work as a night guard." I say. "Not that big of a deal."
    "Interesting." Dante says. There was a few more minutes of silence, then we got to the ice rink.
    "Let's go." Travis says, smiling a bit. We all get out of the car. We walk inside, pay, and get our skates. We then walk into the rink. It was freezing.
     "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I say, hurrying onto the ice. I hold onto the wall. Katelyn just starts skating likes she's been doing this her whole life.
      "Woah." Travis says. "She's amazing."
      "Aw does someone still have a crush on her~" Dante teases, laughing.
      "N-no!" Travis says, blushing a bit.
      "Your checks are red~" I tease as well, giggling.
      "It's cold in here!" Travis says. "You both suck!"
      "Guys come on!" Katelyn calls. She skates over to me and grabs my hand. I smile and we start to skate. I wobble a bit. "Find your balance Aph." She says. I find my balance and slowly stop wobbling. I let go of her hand and start to skate by myself.
      "Look! Katelyn I'm doing it!" I say. I feel like I was starting to get the hand of this ice skating thing, then I fall. I slide a bit, landing on my butt. Dante skates over and helps me up.
    "You alright?" Dante asks.
      "Oh yeah I'm fine! That didn't hurt." I say, smiling. We skate next to each other, talking and laughing. We look over to Katelyn and Travis. They were skating together, smiling.
Katelyns' P.O.V
     I laugh a bit as Travis told an awful pun. I always hated his puns, but at the same time they always make me laugh. It's weird. I wasn't paying attention and I tripped. I close my eyes, preparing to hit my back on the eyes, but it never happens. I open my eyes to see Travis. He caught me.
    "K-Katelyn! Are you ok?" He asks.
     "Yeah I'm fine." I say, feeling my cheeks heat up a bit. 'It's probably just because I'm cold' I think. He pulls me up and let's go of me. "T-thank you."
     "N-no problem. I would hate to see you hurt." He says and we start to skate again. Maybe he's not as big of a pervert and creep as I thought back in high school and even now. Maybe he is a nice guy.

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