Chapter 20 - Try to Forget

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Marco's PoV

I was laying on the couch with the TV on, half asleep, when I heard footsteps. "Marco!" I hear. It was my parents. They ran down stairs and I jumped up to greet them. "Oh Marco my boy! I am so glad to see you!" My dad says. My mom just hugs me tight enough to choke me. "I missed you so so much!" I tell them I love them,but I quickly think of Star, and I start to get depressed. "Marco? What's wrong?" My mom says, sitting me down on the couch. She must've noticed. "There is something seriously wrong with Star... I'm worried about her." I glance down at my feet, thinking of her again. I can't get her out of my mind. My mom rubs my back. "I'm sure she'll come around... She tells you everything!" My mom makes a good point. "Now, we have some catching up to do young man!" My mom says. My dad sits on the other side of me and we start talking about everything that's happened.

Jackie texts me while me and my parents are talking. "Guys, I forgot to tell you the Jackie and I are hanging out today." They share a similar confused look. "When did make plans with Jackie?" My mom asks. "This morning..." I regret saying it as it comes out because I feel like they'll be mad. "I don't have a problem with you hanging out with your friend. Just be back by a reasonable hour!" My dad says. My dad is always so mellow with situations like this. I look down to read the text from Jackie. "So, what are we gonna do?"

Star's PoV

My mother and I spend our time searching through the rubble. "You know Star, even if we don't find this thing, I'm sure we can work at restoring my memory some way." I get frustrated. I hate how my mom is planning for failure. "Don't say that. We're going to find it. Glossaryk wouldn't have mentioned it if we wouldn't." I say, pushing some more giant rocks. "I'm just saying, I know you're willing to go to these lengths for me, and I love you for it, but I can deal with the loss of my memory." I drop one of the rocks I picked up and look at her. "Mom, do you even remember dad?" I ask. Her face grows more and more depressed, and I can't tell whether she can or can't. "No..." I hear her say subtly. "You deserve to know what happened..." I start to relive that day, and my body jolts with fear and disgust. "Star I-" my mom begins to say, but I tell her to shhh. I see a blue light shining from underneath some rocks. "Mom! Come here and help me!" She runs over and helps me move all of the rocks out of the way. "Unbelievable..." I say, as we uncover my moms memory orb. "Pick it up!" I say to her, while gesturing her towards it. She slowly moves her hand towards it, and grabs it. As she does, she levitates in the air a bit. Her cheek marks change form their black, back to their originally pink. Her eyes pulse with a light blue, and the same dark blue pulse flows out of her that flew out of me. She falls to the ground. "Star! I-I remember!" She says excitingly. I pull her up and we immediately go into a hug. "Told you we would find it..." I say with a huge smile on my face.

As the hug between me and my mom ended, I realized, some things didn't change. Sure, she has her memory back, but I still saw the same thing. Something that if I don't change, will haunt me for as long as I live. I start to cry, and my mom asks what's wrong. "I-I can't say!" I say, sniffling and wiping my tears. "I... I'll be right back." Before my mom has a chance to intervene, I cut open a portal to Earth and enter.

Marco's PoV

I was in my room getting ready for Jackie to arrive when a portal opened up. I knew who it was going to be, and I was happy, yet angry. Star walks through, and stands still looking at me. "We have to talk..." She says. She sounds upset. "Is everything alright?" I ask her. She tells me to sit, that I might want to. "What's wrong?" I ask. It feels like I've been asking that a lot lately. "Marco... I don't want you to take this the wrong way, because you know that I love you no matter what..." She pauses, and I despise where this is going. "Star..." All I can say is her name because I don't know what else to say. She starts crying and whimpering, and I sit still, unable to move because of the fear inside of me. "Marco... We... We can't ever see each other... Ever again..." She says. "What! What do you mean? Did Toffee put you up to this? Eclipsa?" It didn't take very long for me to start yelling. Even with me yelling, she stays calm. "No... This is all me Marco... I chose this..." She says, failing to make any eye contact. "No... No you didn't... Why are you doing this? What happened Star? Please tell me!" My anger is quickly turning into depression. My hatred for what she is saying turned to tears. "I... I just think we shouldn't talk anymore..." I slam my fist against the wall with tears running down my cheeks. "No! Star I know you better than this! Something is wrong! What am I supposed to do about us? With the feelings I have of you!?" She finally makes eye contact with me. "I guess... Try to forget..." She says. "That's what I'm going to do... Try to forget..." Her eyes begin to flood with tears like mine. I want to say more, I have more I need to say, but I'm too late. Star is already through the portal back to Mewni. With my scissors.

After about ten minutes, I stop the crying. I get a text from Jackie. "I'm outside." I rethink everything Star said, and everything she told me before she left as I walk down the Stairs. I walk out the front door and see Jackie standing across the street. She smiles and waves. When I reach her, she asks if I'm ready to go. "Not quite... Yet..." I say. "Everything alright dude?" She says. I smile. "Yea, but I thought about everything. My feelings for Star and all of that." She gives me a bit of a confused look on her face. "I wanna try again. I want to make us work." I tell her. She smiles, and I grab her hand. With our hands linked, I feel strange. The fact that I'm never going to see Star again hasn't really settled with me. Its making me realize that nothing lasts forever... Nonetheless, I listened to Star. I got with Jackie.
I'm going to Try to Forget.

That is where the Story ends.
How are you guys feeling after reading that?
Go on to the Next part to read the epilogue, but be sure to tell me what you guys are feeling in the comment section!

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