Chapter 11 - Recovery

Start from the beginning

Marco's PoV

I awake in Stars room. Star is next to me, but unconscious. Her stomach is showing, they stitched her up, and her wand is dirty from the fight. Me on the other hand, I got off pretty easy. Just some minor cuts, but a giant bruise on my back. It's not too bad though. I stand up, which takes me about a minute to work through the pain. Once I stand up, it hurts a bit. I sit back in the bed next to star asap. I don't really remember what happened, just what happened to me and star. I lay back down next to Star. I just look at her for a minute or so. She's so beautiful. I wonder how she's holding up. "I love you... So much princess..." She must've heard me, cause she opened her eyes. She looks at me, and has a giant smile on her face. "Marco?!" She sits up. "Marco!!!" She hugs me. She's practically on top of me. "Whoa... You seem happy to see me..." She sits up. "Do you not know what happened...?" I look her in the eyes. "Well, yea, of course I do..." She looks at me concerned. "You have no idea what happened, do you?" I get scared. "Wha-what happened?" She gets a grim look on her face. "Marco, you've been like that for 12 days..."

-- 12 Days Ago --

Toms PoV

I hate seeing Star like this. She's so beaten up and bruised... This wouldn't have happened if I were there to help. Marco is pretty beat up too, but not nearly as bad as Star. She is barely awake right now. "Star... How you holding up?" She looks at me and doesn't even worry about herself. "How's Marco?" Why is she so selfless. "How's Star?" I ask. "I don't care about me, I want Marco to be okay..." I look at him. "He's been out cold since we ran into the trees. Doctors are pretty worried..." She panics and her breathing is heavy. "Star... Calm down!" It's like she doesn't hear me. "Star?" She slows down a bit, but she is still panicking. "Tom, I need him!" It hurts hearing that, but I sympathize with her. "I know, I know, and you'll have him, just clam down, and give it time." Finally she relaxes. "Now, get some rest... I'm sure he'll be fine in the morning..." She smiles. "I'm sure your right..."

-- Present Day --

Marco's PoV

"What!" I scream. I can tell I startled her, so I calmed down. "I was out for 12 days? This isn't some kinda joke?" She hugs me. This time, knowing I was in a coma for 12 days, I hold her, thinking about what could've happened. "Star, I..." She cuts me off. "I love you too Marco..." I smile, and laugh a bit. "You heard me say that?" She giggles. "Yea..." We just hold each other. "What happens now Star?" She starts to tear up. "I don't know Marco, I'm scared..." I smile. "There's nothing to be scared of..." She snaps at me. "Don't you say that! For one I almost lost you, and my mom is with the rebellion! Which doesn't even make sense because she is the Queen of Mewni! Why can't she just make a new law or something?!" I look down, feeling bad for what I said. I mean, I was only trying to cheer her up! She must've realized that, because she but both of her hands on my cheek. "I'm sorry, I know you're just doing what's best for me, and looking out for me, but I don't have anyone else to look to anymore..." I get confused. "What about your dad...?" She cries. Was it something I said? "Star...?"

-- 11 Days ago --

Star's PoV

I wake up in bed next to Marco, and remember what Tom said to me last night. I know, I know, and you'll have him, just calm down, and give it some time. I sit up, but my stomach hurts really bad when I do. I look down, and I have stitches in my stomach. "Was it really that bad?" I murmur to myself. I look at Marco and smile. "Marco? Wake up..." I shake his arm, but nothing. "Marco..." I say again in a light, calm tone. "Marco...?" I get nervous now, why isn't he awake? It's usually one or two shakes, but three, and still nothing! "Marco, c'mon don't do this to me! You need to wake up! MARCO!" People heard me screaming, and ran in, seeing me shaking Marco and crying. "Oh my god!" Pony head said, flying to me and Marco. Tom and Kelly just stand in shock. I see tom close his eyes, look down, and walk out. "Girl, I don't know what to do!" I look at her, and she jumps back. "We'll get somebody who does!" Behind Pony head is my heart shaped mirror. I see myself, but with bright green eyes, and for the first time, bright green hearts. I can't get them to go away. I don't feel like myself. I don't care though. Somebody has to help Marco, I'm not losing him. "What are you waiting for!" I yell at Pony Head. I feel bad, but she ends up quickly getting help. I wish I didn't yell, but at least it got us a doctor. At least as good as one gets.

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