Family takes care of each other pt 2

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When Dean woke up it was to find himself still wrapped around Cas. He removed his arms from around the angel and leaned on his elbow to see the other beings face, who he heard was mumbling to himself in his sleep and he could also see the shine beginning to form on his brow.

He lifted a hand to Cas' forehead and sighed when he felt how warm he was. Dean eased himself into a sitting position before standing up from the bed and making his way towards the bedroom door. He gripped the door handle and pulled open the door, wincing at the noise the hinges made, and made his way towards the kitchen while making a mental note to put some oil on the doors.

Once Dean made it into the kitchen he began to search through the cupboards to try and hunt down a bowl. After a few failed attempts he was finally able to locate one and then looked for a clean rag.

Dean turned on the tap and put the bowl underneath until it was filled halfway and then thought to grab a cup and filled it with water. He then made his way towards his bedroom, where Cas would hopefully still be asleep.

He nearly bumped into Sam in the corridor and he raised an eyebrow at the contents in Dean's hands.

"Cas had managed to get ill. The idiot was sitting in the rain for over an hour." Dean answered and Sam smirked in reply.

"Oh I'm sure you'll take great care of Cas." Sam patted Dean on the shoulder as he carried on down the corridor.

Dean narrowed his eyes at Sam's back before continuing his way to his bedroom. He bumped the door shut with his hip. He placed the glass and bowl down on the bedside table, before dipping the rag into the cool water and the wringing out the excess water and placing in onto Cas' overheated forehead.

He dragged the damp rag over the angel's face, both cooling him down and cleaning away the sweat that was beading up on his face.

Dean was sat there for awhile before there was any sign of Cas waking up.

Cas groaned and scrunched up his face before he finally opened his eyes and revealed that bright blue that was hidden behind his eyelids.

"Well if sleeping beauty hasn't finally awoken." Dean smiled before opening the bedside draw and pulling out some pills that he kept in case of a hangover. "Take these and drink some," He popped the pills into his hand and handed them over with the glass of water.

"Small sips." He instructed as he saw how the angel was gulping the water down.

"Thank you Dean." Cas rasped as he handed the glass back to Dean.

"How you feeling Cas?" Dean asked while placing the rag back into the bowl of water.

"I feel... tired and I ache all over." Cas groaned before laying back down and pulling the blanket over his head.

"Well you go back to sleep then, I'll take care of you." Dean chuckled and leaned back in his chair, prepared to watch over the angel as Cas had watched over him and Sam time and time again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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