The Party(LAST PART)

Start from the beginning

Mangle's POV

After Foxy powered me off I could only see darkness. I looked around the dark void, but nothing really showed up. The I heard a voice. "Their all gone." I heard a small voice say. It sounded like a boy's, but not familiar to me in anyway. I looked around the void until I saw a little light glowing in the distance. I walked forward too it, as it got brighter and brighter until I saw a little boy. "Are you OK?" I asked him sitting down to him. He was crying and was wearing a golden suit with a black top hat. "N-No, My friends are dead, and my mom committed suicide. I am now all alone." He responded back to me. I hugged him as I felt his tears on my back. "What's your name?" I asked curios if I could help him. "G-Golden Freddy." He stuttered. I was shocked at the words he had just said. "G-Goldie? It's really you?" I asked already feeling tears in my eyes. "Yes, but I don't know who you are." He responded back letting go of me. I wiped off his tears until the void started shaking. "Oh no! It's him again! You need to get out of here now! Run while you can!" Yelled Goldie. He was frightened and kept looking around the darkness hoping for something to come out. "I'm not going anywhere without you!" I yelled back, as the ground started to turn white. As to my surprise something did pop out. A familiar person walked out of the shadows. "Please don't hurt me." Murmured Goldie as he hugged his knees. "Don't worry, I am not here for you this time." Said the mysterious voice. Then it came to me,the voice was none other than shadow Freddy's. "What are you doing to Goldie?" I asked with confidence in my voice. He took small steps over to me until he whispered in my ear. "That's for you to find out at the show, have fun at your party. I'll see you there." Then a white flash covered everything in my sight. I woke up with my new body and my friends excited for the party. My hands and legs activated as soon as I woke up. "Is this reality?" I asked myself starting to tear up. I then felt to strong arms hug me, which was none other than Foxy. "Thanks for helping me." I said in his ear while hugging him back. "No problem. you should go put on your dress." Responded Foxy. I let go of him as he did the same I grabbed the light red dress an went straight into the bathroom. Before I grabbed the knob out came a Chica with the same dress just yellow. She turned her frown into a big cheery  smile. I pulled her into the bathroom, when we saw Freddy just standing there. "Get out!" Yelled Chica with anger. Freddy snapped out of his thoughts and quickly walked out of th bathroom not making any eye contact with Chica. "What was that about?" I asked Chica. She looked down at the tiled floor and let out a sigh. "I'll tell you later. Right now we need to try and put on your dress." said Chica changing the subject quickly. I decided I wouldn't ask her about it until things get really suspicious between those two. I walked into the first stall and slid on the dress. "You look beautiful Mangle-" Before Chica could finish what she was saying toy Chica barged in the bathroom with a pink dress just the same as ours. "Oh, I think I'll leave ,since Mangle's here." She said with not action or emotion in her tone. Before she walked out the door Chica grabbed her wrist. "No,you can stay. Just as long as you don't start anything." Said Chica. Toy Chica nodded her head and walked into a stall. I gave her a glare,but instead of responding back with a punch or eye roll she locked the bathroom and took off her clothes. about 2 minutes came, and toy Chica walked out of the bathroom with pink dress on. Though she is a dusty hoe(A very very very very very DUSTY HOE 😝😝😝😝😝) the dress looked really beautiful on her and she did a little spin. "You look amazing!" Complemented Chica. She walked over to her toy self and put her hair in a bun. Then to finish toy Chica's hair off, there was a pink flower. "Thanks Chica." Said toy Chica looking in the mirror. We walked out the bathroom at the same time and the boys were impressed. Foxy and toy Bonnie wouldn't stop blushing which made me laugh real hard. Bonnie was just drooling over Chica as she fixed his bow tie. "LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!" Yelled BB and JJ. They both had on their suits and dress. JJ had a purple one though other than us. BB turned on some music and everyone was having a good time. Though I couldn't really have a good time when Goldie is some where lost in the void.

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