XVI. Father Knows Best (part 2)

Start from the beginning

Where was I? I hadn't recognized my surroundings, there was barely any light in the room for me to see. I couldn't move my hands due to them being tied behind my back and I know there'll be marks on my wrist if I ever got out of this.

"Hope you don't mind being tied up like that." I heard a voice from behind, I saved myself the trouble of lookin back. Instead I kept my gaze straightforward and tried not to show fear.

" Not really in my interest. But if this is how you like your first impressions,I'll go along." Don't break your focus Camille.

"Ha, smart mouth. Just like your sister," He came into view, and I knew I was face to face with a alpha.

" Well I wouldn't know since you murdered her." I slightly smirked,

He grabbed my hair and pulled it back, hovering over me. Just centimeters away from my face, and fear slowly started to take place.

" Oh that's too bad isn't it? Wouldn't have happened, if your father hadn't killed my pack, hadn't ruin the one thing I ever felt happy about! Did he and your mother honestly think hiding you would work? I wouldn't find out?" He roughly let go, and walked to the other side of the dark room.

" You're pack were murders! Killing innocent people! They deserve it!" I yelled, not knowing what was taking over me, it was confidence.

"And what that does that make your parents? They murdered my pack, they are just as guilty. But my plan is in work and soon your parents will know what it's like, they'll feel the pain of losing the one thing that mattered the most. Just like I have, for the rest.of.their.lives." He stood in front of me, I tried my best not to flinch at every word he said.



" Honey, you still up? Guess who's home early?" I opened the door, with one arm around my wife's shoulder.

Empty room, no one in sight.

" Camille? baby?" I called, confused as where she could be.

" I'll check down stairs, maybe she's in the computer room." She started walking down, but then it hit me.

" I should have known.." I said under my breath, feeling completely idiotic. How could I have been so cluelesss about this?

" What is it honey??"

" I should have known this would have happened!How could I be so blind?!" I threw my hands in the arm, fustrated with myself and Camie.

"She snuck out Karen! I should have spotted it when she denied my help. god I'm so stupid! She would risk her life to go to a stupid sleepover!!" 

"Honey calm down. We can drive over to the Argent's right now to get her, come one baby." Karen tugged my arm until my feet finally started moving with her, as we made our way to the door, I was already imagining what to sat to Camille. When we came to an unexpected face standing the house.

"Sherrif?" Karen said confused, same reaction I had,

" I'm guessing Camille's not home?" He said, taking the words off my lips, I nodded my head.

:Yeah well neither is Stiles, and Scott's bikes is at his house but no Scott. And we just got a call for loud noises at the Martin house."

" Camille's at the Argents with Lydia and Allison for a sleepover, she snuck ou-" Karen stopped knowing what she was gona finish would sound foolish.

" They all snuck out to go to a party." Chris said coming into view, with Melissa close behind.


" We have to find her, we can't let anything happen to her! I promised her dad." I said panicking, walking back and forth my Allisons car with her, Isaac, and Stiles.

" Well how do you know she didn't just get tired a fall asleep waiting for you?" Isaac suggested.

" Yeah, maybe she's here just have her phone on silent." Allison spoke up.

" No. No she wouldn't fall asleep at a party, it's way too loud for her to." I said, trying to concentrate.

" Hey, Scott we'll find her okay? We all promised to help keep her safe remember?" Stiles's arm rested on ,y shoulder, I know they wouldn't let anything happen to her. But with a murderous Alpha out, I'm scared beyond measures right now.

" Hey guys!" Lydia made her way towards us,

" I think Camie was really taken, I found this upstairs." She held out arm around and dropped something in my hands. Camie's phone.

Just then I heard tires screeched behind us.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Camille's dad came storming towards me, with all of our parents behind him.

"I said WHERE IS SHE?!" He grabbed my by my jacket, lifted me up and slammed me into Allison's car.

"ANDY!" I heard Camie's mom yell,and her and ,my mom quickly ran over to pull him off me.

"I don't know! None of us do! We're just as worried as you are ok!" I pushed him back.

" What do you mean you don't know? Where's my daughter?" Dr. Granger said with worry in her voice.

" When I got here I tried texting and called her for 20 minutes but had no reply, we thought she left but she wouldn't because she was looking forward to tonught for days" I said, knowing how all of us were worried sick about Camie,

"The Lydia found her phone on upstairs, we think she was taken by the alpha.." Stiles said finishing for me.

I saw Dr.Granger clamped her hand over her mouth as tears started to form. For them this was their worst fear since losing their firsst daughter, and it was all my fault.. I invited her to come, told her how much fun she's have, and now she be dead.

" Oh my god," Dr.Granger said in between sobs "where's my baby?!" She cried, and I felt like a complete failure.

" right here mommy." In a mili second we all snapped our heads to see Camie standing in the middle of the straight perfectly fine.

Instantly, her parents ran to her and enclosed her in a bear hug. I saw her tippie toe to hug her dad first and heard a what she whispered into his ear.

"He said, be ready"


I apologize for the longest wait ever! But here it is! Lemme know what you think, there are mistakes cause I was rushing to get it updated for you guys!  :) LOVE YOU ALL

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