Family Takes Care Of Each Other

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"Damnit Cas, what were you thinking?! You could have called to ask where the spare key was!" Dean exclaimed, hissing as his hands touched the freezing temperature of the angels skin.

Dean had just came back from a solo hunt, a vamp nest in Nebraska, while Sam was hunting down leads for finding Kelly. When he made it back to the bunker he had been greeted with the sight of Cas sitting on the steps in front of the door in the pouring rain. After forcing Cas to change out of his soaked clothes and into some of Dean's.

"I h-h-h-ave told y-o-o-ou-u Dean. W-w-what if when I cal-l-lled you, you were in the middle of hunting and I gave away your lo-lo-location? And I didn't know if S-s-sam was with you so I did not want to call him either." Cas managed to get out between the chattering of his teeth.

Dean grumbled to himself knowing there was no way to argue with the angel, not when he was standing there shivering, as he rubbed his hands up and down Cas' arms in an attempt to warm him up with little success.

Realising that it wasn't having much effect Dean sighed, before thinking desperately of another way to warm the angel up before he got ill. He then dragged Cas to his room and pushed open the door before pushing him on his bed, underneath the blankets. He paused for a moment before kicking of his shoes and getting into the bed behind him and wrapping his arms around him. He heard Cas sigh as he felt the warmth while Dean was wincing at the biting feeling of the cold radiating off of Cas.

It was silent for about ten minutes before Cas shifted around and sighed before speaking up.

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with me Dean."

"You've got nothing to be sorry for Cas. I don't have to deal with you." Dean paused for a moment before tightening his arms and continuing. "You're family Cas and family takes care of each other."

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