Chapter 002: "You Messed With My Kid"

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(Shawn POV)

I sat on a stump as I watched Luffy run around the Gray Terminal as I twirl the pistol around my index finger. Luffy told me he's been leaving up that mountain for about 5-6 months, where I was it seemed like at least a few days or weeks!

"Hey Shaw! Come check this out!" I sigh & put the pistol back in its holster "Come on!"

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I walk over to him & noticed he found a wanted poster "Hmm, what's it say?"

"Uh... um, I don't know." I roll my eyes & take it from him

"Whitebeard huh, I've heard of him. He's got a big bounty on his head, obviously higher then mine."

"Who is he?" I fold the paper up & put it in my pocket as I shrug my shoulders with my eyes closed & turned to face him

"Just a show pony." I open my eyes & saw that Luffy was gone "Luffy. Luffy? Where'd you go?" I jump up on a pile of trash & look around to try & find his straw hat... it was nowhere to be found "Where did that idiot run off too?"

I start walking around & he was nowhere to be seen. Luffy wouldn't take off like that without warning me or yelling at me to follow him, or he thought I was going to follow him when he walked off? Definitely not that one, I started getting worried now, that was until I saw someone with raven black hair

"Oh thank god... Luffy!" I turn this kid around & to my surprise, it was some other kid with raven black hair, & freckles "Oh sorry kid, I thought you were someone else." he was as stiff as a board & as pale as a ghost "You okay there...?"

"I-I'm... fine." & he bolted out of here, but before he did I grabbed the back of his shirt & pulled him back "L-Let me go!"

"I will, I just need to ask you something. Have you seen a kid, yay high, black hair, scar under his left eye, always wears a straw hat & goes by the name Luffy?"

"No... n-no I haven't." I could tell he was lying, with a hint of the truth, but I let it slide "Can I go now?"

"Sure." with that he dashed away, as the sun started to set I was stressing out even more when I haven't found him yet! I'm gonna kill myself if I don't find that kid! I finally came across a broken down ship & didn't think much of it until I heard that Porchemy guys voice

"Where is it?!" I lean against the wall & press my ear against against it & heard him punch something, it made me winch

"That's gotta hurt..."

"I... I don't k-know." my eyes widened "W-When Shaw gets here... h-he's gonna kick you ass!" I growl as I kick the wall down as I grabbed my pistol, I saw that Porchemy had spiked gloves & they were bloody

"I gave you a warning, you must want that bad time!" I shot at him but he grabbed one of his comrades & used him as a shield "How selfish, & I thought the Nobles & Celestial Dragons were bad enough!" I dash towards him & elbowed him behind the neck, he grabbed me by the neck & slammed me onto the ground

"Got you now!" I roll my eyes as I did a kick up & kicked him in the chin, he staggered backwards as he glared at me while I smirk

"Porchemy-san! Don't you recognize who he is?!"

"Why should I?!"

"Because he has a bounty of 130,000,000 beli on his head! I-Its higher then yours." I noticed that he started trembling in fear as I appeared behind him with my gun in my hand

"You should listen to him, even if I'm a child... I've kill loads of people." with that I shot him & sighed "That was a lot of work, how boring." I cut Luffy down & he dropped into my arms

"I-I'm sorry Shaw... t-they came out of nowhere!"

"Its not your fault, kiddo. Now let's get you cleaned up." I began to walk out of that dump & when I was halfway through the forest, I heard voices

"Hey! Where do you think your going with him?!" I turn around & saw Ace, & a boy with blonde hair & was wearing a top hat, he looked familiar (I use familiar to much)

"I'm taking him somewhere so I can tend his wounds." I replied with a straight face & bored look on my face "If you don't want to end up like that Porchemy guy, I suggest you don't mess with Luffy."

"We don't want to mess with him!"

"We just want to ask him something." I raise an eyebrow

(Time Skip / Third Person POV)

After Shaw wrapped Luffy's wounds with bandages he leaned against a tree & fell asleep with his hood over his head, he chest slowly went up & down as his breathing was natural & calm. It went a little uneasy when he felt someone staring at him, well, that was because Sabo was staring at him

'Do I... know you?'

"Being lonely is more painful then getting hurt! Even if I do have Shaw... I don't just want to depend on him!" Shaw opened his eyes & looked over at Luffy & Ace

"Hmm... what's happening?"

"They're having an argument." Sabo muttered but it was loud & clear to Shaw

"Mm... Luffy? Are you okay?"

"Tell him Shaw! Tell him what you told me about crying!!"


"Crying is for the weak! Always has been & always will be!" Shaw rolled his eyes

"Crying isn't for the weak, its for those who couldn't hold it in any longer, no matter how tough or strong they are."

"See!" Shaw sighed this time as the two started yelling & throwing threats this time, Shaw hadn't learned the blonde's name yet so he's sticking with Blondey for now. Blondey then broke the two up & said he had a problem

"Sabo's right, I think he should live with us." Shaw's eyes widened as he stared at the blonde with shock

"Hey!" he looks over at Ace "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." he looks at Sabo one final time before shaking his head & having at bored face again

"Nah, it's nothing kid."

"What'd you call me?!" as Ace was yelling at Shaw, Shaw & Sabo were having a staring contest... & by that I mean Shaw had his eyes closed & his head down, but he was mentally staring at him

'Don't you dare tell me that is Sabo... the one I use to know (who knows that).'

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