Jashley (Jake + Ashley)

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sorry, I lack the creativity to create a name for Jake and Ash.... so this happened anywho... onto the story.  And sorry this is really, really, really long but I had some good ideas so ya.


Ashley's pov


I fought back tears as I hugged my mother and planted a kiss on her cheek before turning and walking away rolling my suitcase behind me.

"I love you!" She called after me. 

I turned and smiled at her as I let a tear trickle down my cheek dragging some eyeliner with it. 

"Love you too Mom.  I promise to Skype." I assured her shakily raising a hand in a wave. 

I was going back to my abusive fathers house in LA.  I couldn't believe that next year I would be free of the six months and six months schedule I had to keep.  My mind wandered as I trotted to the right gate.  Making friends was impossible when I always had to go before we could get close.  I clenched my gloved fist gritting my teeth.  I stopped and stuck my earbuds in my ears turning on my playlist on my phone.  I tuned the world out as I moved down the hallway toting my black suitcase.  I closed my eyes for a split second as 'Enter Sandman' by Metallica started to play.  After I opened my eyes I stepped onto an escalator and fiddled with my star necklace.  My jacket squeaked as I pulled my luggage onto the moving staircase.  I watched as I reached the top and strode off of the escalator.  Years of practice made it easy for me as I continued detouring to grab some coffee.  The cashier smiled when he saw me.

"How's Ashes these days?" He asked before grabbing a cup and starting to make my usual.

"Still traveling." I sighed pulling on one of my bracelets.  He nodded and handed me the hot cup.  I nodded and handed him a twenty in exchange before waving and walking off.  I was about to walk into the correct gate when I got hugged by a random stranger.

"What the hell?" I asked as I held my arms up to keep my coffee from spilling.

"Jacky!" The guy cried happily.

"Who?" I asked still confused.  The guy pulled away so I could see his face.  His smile faded as he saw me looking horrified and creeped out.

"Sorry, I thought you were my brother.... he's twenty minutes late." The guy apologized blushing and running a hand through his straight black hair.  he looked kind of like me, except slightly shorter and he had less eyeliner.  he had on a Metallica shirt and skinny jeans along with tall combat boots.

"No, its fine man." I assured him shaking my head.  He smiled slightly.

"I'm Jake." He said extending a hand after an awkward moment of silence.

"Ashley, Ashley Purdy." I replied shaking his hand.

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow.  I glared at him from under the brim of my hat.

"So, where are you headed?" I asked changing the subject.  He looked down swallowing.

"LA.... How about you?" He replied.

"Same." I shrugged with a slight smile.  This kid was cute.  I had to admit, his large brown eyes were quite innocent.  He jumped as some metal song started to play, and pulled a phone out of his pocket answering it.

"Yeah?" He asked.  I heard a faint voice talking on the other end and all of the color drained from Jake's face.

"What?  ......... You're kidding right?! Please go no." He begged shaking his head with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Okay..." He choked before hanging up and letting out a small sob as he fell to his knees with his hands in his lap.  I crouched next to him as he buried his face in his hands shaking with tears.

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