Jash (Jinxx + Ashley)

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Ashley's pov


CC trotted back from the DJ booth looking proud of himself as a Dubstep song started to play.  Andy groaned as the beat pulsed through the nightclub.  Jinxx sighed with a shake of his head and took another sip of his drink.  I tried not to look at his handsome face as the dim lights glinted off of his ebony hair.  I noticed a circle had formed on the dance floor and wandered over to see what was going on.  Apparently two guys had taken advantage of the music and had started breakdancing.  I rolled my eyes as they did a series of complex moves.  someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned.  Jinxx was standing just behind me with a broad grin on his face.  I raised an eyebrow as he pulled off his hoodie, handed it to me and stepped into the circle without a word.  I shook my head as a couple people laughed. Poor guy, he was probably just drunk and about to embarrass himself.  My eyes widened as the bass dropped and Jinxx launched into a complicated breakdown.  I couldn't tell what he was doing but I knew it was impressive because the former dancers had stopped dancing and were watching him with wide eyes.  He did a complicated move where he was spinning in a circle and the guys stepped back as he jumped up with a perfect backflip and the song ended.  the crowd cheered as he flicked his hair back and grinned at me as my jaw dropped.

"What did you think?" He asked as he trotted back over and slipped his hoodie back on.

"That was amazing." I said as we wandered back over to the bar where the guys were sitting totally oblivious to what had just happened.  CC was sitting on a stool looking very drunk as Jake leaned against the bar looking slightly sick.  I hopped up on a stool and Jinxx reclaimed his spot next to me.  After about another hour we were all slightly tipsy and I looked over at Jinxx wanting to pull him into a hug and lock my lips with his.

"Y'know, Ashes.... I really, like you." Jinxx said looking at me.  He had used his nickname for me and I smiled through the slight fog creeping into my mind.

"I like you too." I responded slurring my words slightly.  I furrowed my brow looking back at my glass, had I just told Jinxx I liked him?

"Wanna go back to the bus?" Jinxx asked smiling at me.  I nodded and set my glass down before sliding off the stool and following Jinxx back to the bus. 

As soon as I stepped into the living room I was pinned to the wall.  Jinxx smirked at me before crashing his lips into mine.  My drunk mind responded and I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling his body against mine.  Jinxx pulled away for a second.

"You are one devastatingly handsome guy." He slurred before kissing me again harder.  My heart raced and I hoped it wasn't just the alcohol talking.  Once I had thought about it...... Jinxx had only had a few drinks, only enough to relax him.  Not even enough for him to be slurring or stuttering.  I smiled realizing that he was messing with me about being drunk.

"You fucker, you're not drunk." I whispered into his ear. "I know how many drinks it takes you to get drunk." I reminded him as his fingers brushed down my spine.

"You figured me out." He sighed pulling away.  

"Don't you go anywhere." I growled smiling and pulling him against me again

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