Chapter 14: Suicide of a tedious life

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The Akademi School corridor falls silent, until Ayano's knife falls from her bruised hand, clashing loudly onto the floor like shattered glass.

Just as the smoky-haired girl thought she had her chances against her overprotective boyfriend, finally being in control again, she realises that she is wrong.

The black belt in karate skilfully apprehends the girl to the ground, pinning her to the floor so she is unable to move beneath his grasp. Budo Masuta stares disdainfully at his supposed, disloyal girlfriend. He knows her intentions now, it's too late for her to deny it.

Crimson liquid runs down Ayano's arms from the bruises and cuts, caused by the dark grey-haired male. The blood stains and blossoms on Ayano's white shirt, but doesn't seem to stain Budo's dark male uniform.

Ayano struggles beneath Budo's grip, only for her efforts to be wasted. He is too strong. She turns her head around aggressively, and they're dark grey eyes snatch on to each other. Budo's orbs look angry and betrayed.

"Do you really think that you could kill me, Princess?"

The dark grey-haired boy tightens his grip on the female's bruised, sore arms as she lies on the floor, defeated. He utters the words darkly into the girl's ear, his voice angry as his smoky eyes.

"I'm not your princess, Masuta-kun. I don't even love you."

Ayano carelessly confesses beneath the male's grasp, not even caring if she angered him even more than he is now. She knows that the male can end her life right there, or bruise and torment the girl even more.

Ayano realises the simple truth. Budo is a guy, and not just any guy. He is the Martial Arts club leader, a black belt in karate. He's strong- so what's the point of fighting against him?

For the past month or so, Ayano's life has been utterly tedious. It's probably going to get worse later, so she might as well die now anyway.

There's no reason to live.

After hearing them words utter from Ayano's mouth, the rage abruptly dies from Budo's strong body. He freezes like a broken clock, and sadness overwhelms the male. He carelessly steps off of the the female, realising her, as he stares straight ahead. Motionless.

'Ayano... Doesn't love me?

"I don't even like you."

Budo hesitantly turns his stunned gaze towards the girl, expecting her to have a smug look plastered on her face. Instead, she looks into Budo's coal orbs blandly.

"I have no reason to live." The words slip off Ayano's tongue unconsciously. Still crouched on the floor, she picks up the knife, the one she used to kill so many innocent schoolgirls that came to close to her Senpai. It feels heavy in her hands.

'At least I'll die doing what I'm so good at...'

Without any hesitation, any emotion or facial expression on her lifeless face, Ayano holds the knife towards her body, just inches away from her chest.

No regrets... No fear.

The girl lurches the knife towards her stomach, prepared for the waves of pain and agony to hit her. Suddenly, all the girl sees is Budo Masuta, now out of his psychopathic phase. He clings to the girl's sore wrists, the knife in her hands wobbling dangerously, inches away from his body, centimetres away from his hands.

Immediately, the dark grey-eyed girl attempts to fight against his strong grip. His hands squeeze her wrists, which are already bruised and bleeding, but Ayano ignores the pain. The two struggle against each other, until finally, Budo slams the girl to the ground in a strong apprehend, this time not showing any signs of release.

Unrequited love | Yandere Simulator (Budo X Ayano) | COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now