"Hello." a soft, airy voice spoke beside me. Blinking in slight surprise, I turned my head to the left. 'When did Luna get there? Wait, she was probably there already. Maybe I am loosing my touch. No, I doubt that. I should probably answer, I have been quiet for a few seconds too long now.'

"Hello." Was my simple reply back.

"Beautiful day, isn't it Harry?" She smiled at me, before turning back towards the pedestal where her dad was standing.

"Harry? Sorry, my name is Alex." 'How did she know it was me? Maybe there is more to her than I originally thought there was. Come to think of it, wasn't there the possibility of her being a seer? Maybe...well in any case, she could prove to be a very valuable friend, and ally. I always did like her oddness.'

"Oh, my apologies Alex. I seem to have mistaken you for someone else."

"It's okay. Good to see you and your dad are okay after being attacked."

"Yes, thank you for helping us." Luna gave another smile, a distant look in her eyes that seemed to see right through me. I suppressed a small shiver.

"Yes, thank you very much Harry." I looked up to see Xenophilius Lovegood smiling down at me.

"You're welcome." 'I can't really not say you're welcome. It would be considered rude to not do so. Besides no one aside from them, Severus, and the Death Eaters really seen who was protecting them. And I can guarantee the Death Eaters didn't recognize who I am.'

"We should be leaving now. Feel free to call upon either of us if you are in need of anything." Xenophilius spoke gently and I gave a small nod in acceptance before he left, Luna following close behind.

"Hello dear, what is it you would like?" I stood and walked over to Madam Malkin, taking the vacated spot on the pedestal.

"I am in need of new robes, both fancy and everyday. I would like those in black, emerald and red, four of each color please." I replied, letting the tape measure take the measurements that were required.

"Very well, please wait here. They should be ready in about ten minutes." She smiled, before heading towards the back of the store with the measurements to get the requested items.

It was exactly ten minutes later that she returned, the robes floating behind her.

"Would you like me to put these in a bag with an undetectable expansion charm?"

"Yes, please. That would be great."

"Very well dear, here you go." She handed me the plain black bag and I placed the required amount of money in her now vacant hand.

"Thank you very much, Madam." I smiled, leaving the shop.

'Alright now that is all done. I believe I should go to Flourish and Blotts next. I can just put the books I get there into the bag with the robes. I know the books won't damage the new clothes any.' Walking down towards the aforementioned destination, I let the excited chatter around Diagon Alley reach my ears. I found the noise rather annoying; how could they possibly be so happy with the second wizarding war hanging over their heads? Though I suppose they don't even realize that it is hanging over them. Voldemort it just biding his time, waiting. He will be going after the stone, while being stuck to the back of my professors head. Honestly, he should have tried to find a better way to get into the school because that is just wrong. Letting out a small puff of air, I blocked all the noise out once more and entered the bookstore.

It took a few minutes to locate everything, but I somehow managed it. The first place I looked was under the dark arts section. There were multiple different good choices, so I had to limit the ones I grabbed to only what would be useful. For example: Advanced Dark Arts Spells, Advanced Dark Arts shields, Advanced Dark Arts for Revenge Against Enemies, and Advanced Dark Arts Potions - From Poisons to Insect Killers. Honestly, some of those I found odd to even be near Flourish and Blotts instead of Knockturn Alley.

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