Stopping at the notice board I saw two Missing Person posters. Erica and Boyd. They'd been missing for a long time, we tried to find them after Stiles and I got out of the Argents' but they weren't there when we went back for them. We were at a loss as to where they were, all we knew was that the Alpha Pack had them.

I shook it off and continued going. Looking at my schedule I saw I had English first. Great. 

Making my way down the hall I turned into the class only to see Scott and Stiles already sat in there. Perfect. I quickly looked down to avoid any awkward eye contact with either of them and I sat in the seat that was closest to the back of the class room and nearest to the window meaning I could daydream. 

Lydia and Allison walked in and Allisons seat got taken meaning she had the pleasure of sitting in front of her ex... oh boy. 

My phone along with everyone elses buzzed at the same time. I began reading. 

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and a tranquil waterway leading to the the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness. This is the last line to the first book we're going to read. It is also the last message you'll receive in this class. Phones off everyone." A new teacher announced, I put my phone on vibrate but I wasn't going to turn it off. 

She walked around to the board and wrote down what it was she wanted us to do. Putting the name of the book on the blackboard she asked "I want you all the evaluate a possible storyline to this book but only knowing the title of the story. Begin." She announced and everyone picked up their pens and began writing. I did the same.

A different teacher walked in and whispered something to the teacher. She nodded and he left. 

"Mr McCall." Scott stopped and looked up and she beckoned him closer wither finger. He stood up and walked over to her.

I finished writing and looked up to see Stiles looking at Lydia with concern before engaging in conversation. Deciding now would be a good time to begin daydreaming, I looked out the window. 

A bang on the window startled me. A bird flew directly into the window at full speed, blood splattered on the window as the bird fell. I looked up and Stiles looked at me. I quickly avoided the eye contact. 

Looking back out the window I saw a giant flock of crows flying towards the window. I was in shock. They weren't all going to fly into the window were they? 

That is exactly what happened. Birds flew into the window and the windows started to smash. 

"Get down! Everybody get down!" The teacher shouted at us. As she said that the window next to me smashed, a shard of glass cutting my cheek I slid off my seat and on to the floor and watched all the birds. Everyone was panicking, including me. I backed myself up into a corner and pulled my knees up into my chest. What was happening.

Everything stopped a bit later and everyone stood up, most of us with scratches and untidy appearances. I stood up and looked around, every bird was dead on the floor, covering the room with black feathers. Something was going on and I think the alpha pack had something to do with it. But I didn't think Stiles and Scott knew about it yet. 

I wasn't going to be the one to tell them either.

The ambulance arrived and I decided to ring my brother. 

Dialing his number in I pressed call and waited for him to pick up. 

He didn't.

Soon enough a guy from the ambulance came over to assist me. 

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